Saturday, 31 August 2013

Saturday August 31, 2013

Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-8. Galatians 1:14. Phil 3:5-6

Many people today argue that Christians leave their brain at the door when they go to church. No one with half a brain could make such an accusation against Paul the Apostle. In Galatians 1:14 we learn that he was outstripping his peers and extremely zealous to learn the ways of the Fathers. In Philippians 3:5-6 we learn that he was a Hebrew of Hebrews which could mean that he came from good Hebrew stock or that he was among the top echelons of the Hebrew elect. He was a Pharisee and could declare himself to be legalistically righteous. Not many people in Paul’s day could make such a boast.


Even so, when Paul came into Corinth he did not take the usual course of action. Public speakers or orators would enter the city and perform at the local theatre. They would perform in such a way as to show their superior wisdom and intellect. They would speak with a view to making money and drawing disciples after themselves. Paul, in stark contrast, decided that he would speak of nothing except Christ crucified and risen from the dead. He chose to lay aside his former learning and knowledge so that people could see Christ and put their faith in Him rather than in Paul.


This is not to say that Paul became an uneducated buffoon after his conversion or that he stopped thinking. Often he would debate with crowds and prove from the Old Testament that Jesus was the Christ. He would, on other occasions, reason and debate with people about Christ.


But rather than boast in himself and show off his own abilities Paul would rather have the Spirit work powerfully through his preaching so that the faith of his hearers would rest on God’s power and not on mankind. Paul knew that salvation resided in Christ alone and not in himself.


Far too many churches today are built on particular personalities. People throng to a personality and not to Christ. Like Paul we should seek to build people up in their faith in God and not in their liking and desire to follow a particular person. We should be pointing and leading people to Christ and not to ourselves or to some other person.


Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verses.

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom but on God’s power.

1 Corinthians 2:4-5








¥ Pray that your congregation and every individual in it would be a forgiving individual enjoying the love/forgiveness of God and offering forgiveness to others. Pray that strained or broken relationships will be restored and renewed. Pray that a spirit of love and togetherness would come upon your congregation.

¥ Pray that God would be upholding and strengthening the other churches in your area. Pray that all the churches would work together in unity and harmony to bring the gospel to the entire region.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

God never calls us to be mindless, unthinking followers of Jesus. He never calls us to turn our brains off.

1. How does Paul’s approach in Corinth apply to us today?

2. What role should education and “knowledge” play in our Christian lives?

3. What role should education and “knowledge” play in our church services?


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