Monday, 12 August 2013

Monday August 12, 2013

Read John 1:10-13. Ephesians 1:1-6

It’s absolutely vital to know who we are, isn’t it?


Think about the upshot of not knowing who we are. Teenagers who struggle with their identity inevitably drift towards finding acceptance by any means. A young believing teenager who doesn’t know his identity in Christ might quickly drift to the “in-crowd” at school. Pretty soon he’s stealing and bullying others just to stay in the “in-crowd”. The man or woman who lacks a depth of comfort in their true identity may seek to find value and meaning in wealth, in work, in their children’s education or performance. They may fight for a cause, believing that this is who they really are. They may become workaholics or worse, alcoholics or drug addicts as they seek release from the burden of not knowing who they really are.


To know who we are is vital for our own well being and sanity. To know who we are lifts the burden and allows us to live a life of freedom and value and purpose.


Our identity must be firmly grounded in Christ. Jesus came into the world but was rejected by the world so that you and I can be grounded in Him. He wore the shame of crucifixion so that you and I could bear the royal seal of God. Everyone who believes in Jesus is a child of God. That means that from the very beginning of creation God designed you and made you for the express purpose of having a relationship with Himself.


Your identity comes from being in God through Christ. You will never find full meaning or value or identity in anything without God. But when you draw near to God and find yourself in Him, you could be a garbage collector or a neuro surgeon and you’ll still be filled with your identity in Him. You could be a millionaire or a pauper and still be content in Him. You could be famous or just one person among the masses and still have a life of meaning, impact and value because you remain in Him.


Life without Christ is an eternal search for identity filled with pretence and pretending. Life in Christ is a life of purpose, value and power.


From the verse below, write down at least one prayer point in each category.


Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name,

He gave the right to become children of God -

children born not of natural descent,

nor of human decision or a husband’s will,

but born of God.

John 1:12-13













¥ Pray that the planning for our upcoming September Extreme Week will progress smoothly. Pray for those planning the lessons, the crafts, the games, the activities and the afternoon events. Pray that God would watch over the process of planning and allow it to progress well.

¥ Pray that our singles will be growing and maturing in Christ and deepening in love for Him and in fellowship with others.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

Marcus has grown up in a Christian family and has regularly attended church for the last 18 years. Recently he moved to the big city to attend uni but has drifted towards the gangs. He says that he feels loved and accepted and finally, after all these years, he feels like he belongs.

1. How might today’s passages apply to Marcus?

2. If Marcus shared with you that he is struggling with his identity, what would you say to him?

3. If you were a fellow uni student with Marcus, how could you support and encourage him?




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