Thursday, 15 August 2013

Thursday August 15, 2013

Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-2. 12:8-14

It would be easy to think that Ecclesiastes is a book written by a hard hearted cynic who had been let down and hurt by the world. It would be easy to see it as a whinge, a rage against society by a bitter old man who had been deeply cut and scarred by life’s tragedies.


But this is far from the truth. Ecclesiastes is a book in the biblical genre of wisdom literature. It gives us an earthy look at the reality of life lived without God. It shows the utter meaningless of everything under the sun when God is taken out of the picture.


The book starts with the declaration,

Meaningless! Meaningless! , says the Teacher

Utterly meaningless!

Everything is meaningless” (1:2)


It finishes- excluding the epilogue - with a similar declaration:

Meaningless! Meaningless! , says the Teacher

Everything is meaningless” (12:8)


The implication of this structure is that everything in-between is meaningless. Only in the epilogue do we find out that what really matters is fearing God and keeping His commands. Here is the source of true and enduing meaning.


A meaningful life, as opposed to a meaningless existence, comes from knowing who we are in Christ, from experiencing God’s love day by day and from making that firm decision to follow Jesus irrespective of the cost. When we are united with Christ our life takes on meaning and value. Everything we do has meaning and value. Every activity is infused with God-given importance. Shopping is no longer a chore and a dreary exercise. Work is no longer a cursed four letter word. The in-laws don't have to be endured. Study is no longer pointless. Money is no longer our Saviour.


When the people in your world see you living a meaningful, purpose driven life they will be drawn to the source of your meaning and purpose.  When they see your intentional daily life, your joy in Christ, your purpose and direction they will begin to ask questions. Your light will shine brightly.


A life lived deliberately in service to God is a powerful testimony to our God and Saviour.



Write down at least one prayer in each of the following categories based on the verse

Fear God and keep his commandments,

for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 9:13b.








¥ Ask the Lord your God to raise up a spirit of love and generosity in your congregation. Pray that each and every person would love God with their entire heart and soul and mind and strength and financial resources as well.

¥ Pray that the Committee of Management would be wise in the way that it deals with and distributes the resources God has entrusted it with.



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Do you think Marcus is stuck in a meaningless existence? Why?

2. How could you be of support to Marcus based on Ecclesiastes?

3. What could give Marcus’ life meaning and importance?


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