Read Matthew 28:18-20. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Think of the metanarrative of the Bible. By metanarrative we mean the one big narrative that joins the entire Bible together. It could be stated as God’s plan to bring God’s people into God’s place so that they are under God’s rule. You can see this with Adam and Eve. They were God’s people in God’s place (Eden) under God’s rule (Gen 1:27-29). The people of Israel were God’s people of the Old Testament and they were in God’s place (The Promised Land) and, of course, were under God’s rule (the Torah or Law). Within this plan of God’s, obedience was the abiding hall mark of the people of God.
When Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes 12:13 he was picturing that God-ward obedience that would give meaning and value to a person’s entire life. A life lived in obedience to God is a fulfilling life regardless of what one is doing. Conversely, a life lived in disobedience will never be truly satisfying.
For the nation of Israel obedience meant living in holiness in accord with the Covenant and the Torah. By obeying God, Israel would be a light to the nations that would draw them to God in repentance and faith.
For the New Testament church, obedience is still living in holiness in accord with the Covenant but Jesus has added another dimension. In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) Jesus gives the Church His mission statement. This mission statement has two elements - evangelism and edification. We are called to be evangelising the world, that is bringing people to Christ and baptising them in the triune name of God. Once people are converted we are to be edifying or discipling them. We are to be growing them in obedience to Jesus and this must include obedience to the Great Commission.
Your personal life and your church life will take on a whole new meaning of purpose and significance when you adopt the Great Commission as your personal mission statement. By living in obedience to this statement you will find that even the dreariest of chores becomes a loving service to God infused with eternal value and meaning.
Write down at least one prayer in each of the following categories based on the verse
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
¥ Pray that the children in your church would have a growing and maturing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that God would be growing their faith and stretching them and maturing them in that faith.
¥ Pray that the youth in your church would know the love of Christ and not be drawn by peer pressure into the ways of the world.
¥ Pray that the 53 Compassion Children we support in Indonesia would be growing in knowledge and love of God and that they would make a firm decision to follow Jesus no mater what the cost. Pray that they would be great ambassadors for Jesus in their village.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What do you think Marcus is looking for?
2. How do you think a relationship with Jesus will help Marcus?
3. What must Marcus do to enter into this relationship with Jesus?
4. What should we do if we know of people like Marcus that carry the “Christian” name tag but don’t have a relationship with Jesus?
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