Read Genesis 4:1, Jeremiah 1:5. Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
On initial reflection, the first two verses that we read today may seem to have absolutely nothing to do with each other. But in fact, they have a lot in common. The Hebrew of Genesis 4:1 reads more literally, ‘Adam knew his wife, Eve, and she conceived...’. The similarity between the two verses lies in their use of the term “know”. Both point out the intimacy associated with the word ‘knowledge’.
Knowledge in our western world is the stuff that buzzes around in our head and in our thinking. It is often kept apart from our emotions and feelings. The two don’t necessarily belong together. But in the Hebrew world or mindset “knowledge” implied deep and intimate relationship together with the information that was known. Adam had a deep and intimate relationship with his wife. Jeremiah knew God in this sense, even in his mother’s womb. In the Hebrew world view, knowledge included the head but also incorporated the heart.
Just by understanding the Hebrew mindset of the word “know” we can already comprehend the reason why the Teacher concludes that chasing wisdom/knowledge is a chasing after the wind. Without an intimate relationship with God, the stuff buzzing around in your head is meaningless.
It is in this sense that God is angered by the world since mankind did not think it worthwhile to retain the “knowledge” of God (Romans 1:28). He is angered that mankind saw fit to reject an intimate relationship with Himself.
Likewise, it is in this sense that Paul prays that our love for God would abound or overflow in knowledge (Phil 1:9). A Christianity based on feelings or emotions alone is like trying to pull a carriage with dead horses. It doesn’t really get you far, no matter how much hard work you put in. As Philippians 1:9 shows, we are to grow in love for God through our knowing of or about Him. Head knowledge and heart knowledge go hand in hand.
If you think about Christianity as a coal powered locomotive then faith is the locomotive engine. The facts of Jesus are the coal that fires our faith and drives our engine. Feelings are the caboose that pulls behind. When we have faith being fuelled by facts, feelings get pulled along in the right direction. We should never allow our feelings to dominate or lead our lives. Feelings should never be the engine that pulls us along.
To yield and give way to our feelings and to be chained by them is the lowest form of slavery possible.
Write down from your heart at least one prayer point for each category based on the following verse
And this is my prayer:
that your love may abound more and more in knowledge
and depth of insight,
so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness
that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God.
Phil 1:9-11
¥ Continue to pray for Jim and Faye’s Straight Talk ministry. Pray that God would continue to open doors for them to minister in schools. Pray that many students would come to a saving knowledge of God through Christ. Ask God to raise up churches and individuals to continue supporting this ministry.
¥ Continue to pray for Creation Ministries as they teach and challenge people to believe in Christ. Pray that their teaching ministry will bear much fruit and produce many disciples for Christ.
Jack is a member of your congregation and by all appearances is a believer. However, whenever anything gets even mildly serious Jack brings forth amazing facts and knowledge to bamboozle everyone.
1. How does today’s learning help you to understand Jack?
2. What advice would you give to Jack one on one?
3. What would be a good prayer to pray for Jack?
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