Monday, 5 August 2013

Monday 5 August 2013

Read: James 5:13-15, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Have you ever thought about why we pray in groups? If prayer is communication with God why do we do it together as well as personally? Is it that God somehow listens to our prayers more if we are praying with other people? Why do we even bother praying together as a congregation on Sunday mornings?


James teaches us that our first instinct should always be to pray. Whether we are in trouble, happy or sick our first response is to pray. James includes special instructions for what to do when someone in the church is sick - we are to call the elders of the church to pray together as a group for healing. Imagine what our churches would look like if we actually put this into practice! Imagine if every time you were sick or in need of help you were to use it as an opportunity for corporate prayer with the elders of the church! Imagine the way that we would see God work in our churches if we were to be turning to Him in prayer in every situation and asking Him to work.


Paul makes a similar point in 1 Thessalonians. In chapter 5 Paul is writing his final instructions and commands to the church in Thessalonica. In the midst of his commands about life in the church community he includes an instruction about prayer, “be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances.” This kind of constant, joyful, thankful prayer is not only a part of the personal life of the believer, it is also to be a vital part of the life of the church as a whole.


The fact that Paul nestles the command to pray continually in between the commands to be joyful always and thankful in all circumstances gives us a clue as to the source and motivation behind this kind of attitude in the church. We can be joyful because of who God is and all that He has done for us. We can be thankful in all circumstances because we know He is with us and promises to use those circumstances for our good (Romans 8:28). Prayer reminds us of our utter dependence on God and strengthens our faith in these promises He gives us.


Both personally and as a church our greatest satisfaction, our greatest pleasure, our greatest joy, our greatest strength and our greatest power come from God and God alone. Our only hope for full, satisfied lives is found in Him. Our only hope for true and lasting joy is found in Him. Our only hope to be effective and powerful in our mission for His kingdom is found in the power that comes in Him. Our very first reflex must always be to pray constantly, both individually and corporately. We can only truly be effective when our strength and power is found in Him.


If we are lacking power in our personal Christian lives, we must pray. If we are lacking power in our churches, we must pray. If we desire to be effective workers for the sake of the gospel, we must pray. Are you praying?





Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray that God would work powerfully in the hearts and lives of all those in the congregation of your church. Pray that God would stir up a passion and desire for the lost in your church. Pray that God would give the pastor, the elders and other leaders in your church wisdom as they seek to lead. Pray that God would use your local church powerfully for the sake of His kingdom.

¥ Pray for the ministry of Student Life on campuses around Australia. Pray that God would fill all those who are involved with the Holy Spirit and enable them to share their faith with others boldly and powerfully. Pray that God would work powerfully in the hearts of those who don’t know Him and that many would come to faith in Christ as a result of this ministry.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What sorts of things are you more inclined to be generous towards? Why?

2. Why do you think people struggle with the issue of personal generosity?


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