Read 1 Kings 18:21-40. Matthew 6:7
I wish a movie producer would make an epic movie about 1 Kings 18 where Elijah takes on the false prophets at the battle of Mt Carmel. What a movie it would be as we see the false prophets cutting themselves and dancing frantically and calling on their dumb and mute gods to help them. Can you picture Elijah standing somewhat cockily, taunting them and encouraging them to dance harder, to cut themselves even more and to shout louder? And as Elijah steps up for his turn in this epic battle of power, he calls for 3 rounds of water to be poured over the wood. He doesn’t perform or do any hocus-pocus. He simply and humbly prays. As he does, the heavens erupt and thunder. Fire falls down and licks up the water, the wood and the offering. The false prophets are slain for their perversion. It has all the elements of a best selling block buster movie.
But it’s no movie. It’s no fantasy. It’s not science fiction. This is the one true living God whom you and I worship. Our God looks at the heart. He is not swayed by outward appearances. He does not want us to dance and sing or perform or to hocus-pocus our way into manipulating Him.
God sees the heart and wants us to pray with a contrite and right heart. God is not swayed by our babbling and repetition. He is not turned by our conning or bargaining - Lord if you do this I’ll make sure that I… We’ve all been there haven’t we? God looks at our heart.
Again God is not decrying genuine, heartfelt petitioning. God commands us in Philippians 4:6 to petition Him and promises the peace of God. But what God is forbidding is the babbling, the showy pretence that seeks to manipulate God into doing my will, not His will.
You and I should be encouraged and motivated to pray because when we come to God in humility, with a right heart, we know that God hears us and loves to answer our prayers. We know that we don’t have to seek to con God or manipulate Him. We don’t have to nag Him or berate Him into answering. God loves to answer your prayers.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Choose a particular Christian charity or mission organisation that is close to your heart and spend time praying for that organisation.
¥ Choose 5 families from your congregation and spend time praying for each one.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Explain why God hates babbling in prayer.
2. Can you explain why this teaching does not stop us from petitioning God or praying for long periods?
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