Friday, 5 April 2013

Friday April 5, 2013

Read Matthew 6:1-4. Matthew 19:23-24

When Le Tourneau began his company he covenanted with God to give Him 90% of the income earned. Through thick and thick, through bad years, very bad years and even worse years Le Tourneau stuck to his covenant and never reneged and continued to give God 90%. Even when profits started to soar and ascend into the millions, he stuck by his covenant and gave 90% to God.


We often tend to think that it’s easier for a rich man to give to God.  But statistically, the reverse is true. The most generous people throughout the world, regardless of culture, are the poorer peoples. While we find heart warming examples such as this one, wealth often creates a corrupting desire in our hearts that pulls us away from God. In fact, the lure of wealth is so strong that Jesus said that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle or for an elephant to be shoved into a matchbox!


In Matthew 6 Jesus isn’t speaking to the rich people of the world. He’s teaching His followers. He’s not assuming that you have a high disposable income, He’s assuming you are a follower of Jesus. He’s not talking to people with six figures in their bank accounts but to those who have decided to follow Him. And interestingly, doesn’t command us to give to the needy, He simply assumes it will be done. He says, “When you give to the needy…” assuming that following Jesus necessitates such giving.


As we give to the needy we are NOT to give with a fanfare and trumpet blast. We are not to boast and brag and promote ourselves in giving. We are not to turn the giving back to ourselves and show the world how wonderful and awesome we are. Rather we are to give quietly, in full submission to God. We are to give secretly so that people don’t turn their attention to us and perhaps sing our praises.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ To give without blowing one’s own trumpet requires humility. Ask the Lord to grant you humility and meekness. Pray that everyone in your own congregation would have such humility as well.

¥ Pray that God would continue to provide for Shiloh Church Ministries. Pray that God would allow each child to have enough food, clothing and resources for a positive education. Ask God to remove the local threats to the orphanages and to provide a safe, loving home for them to grow up in.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What would hypocritical giving look like in today’s church?

2. How can we give humbly and without hypocrisy?

3. What is a Christian attitude towards giving to God at church?


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