Read Acts 13:1-4, Acts 14:20-23
Fasting had become a vital and important part of the early church. It is there in the background consistently throughout the history of the church but is never detailed nor expounded. To my knowledge, no church is rebuked for their perversion or misuse of this practice of fasting.
In Acts 13 it appears that the practice of fasting was united with the church’s time of worship. Of course we would all agree that our entire life is worship and that we worship with every aspect of our life and fibre of our being. But the use of the word ‘worship’ in Acts 13:2 seems to be a technical use much like we use the word ‘worship’, much to the chagrin of some believers, to speak of our Sonday morning or evening church service. If, on the contrary, the word ’worship’ referred to all of life worship then the use of the word ’while’ also in 13:2 would suggest that there are times when all of life is not worship. Such a thought is an abomination throughout the entire New Testament.
It is while the early church at Antioch was gathered and worshipping God and fasting that the Holy Spirit spoke to them and called Paul and Barnabas into mission. Many churches fast in times of doubt or times of repentance. Few that I’ve heard of fast as a regular part of their worship service. The church would do well to fast regularly during its time of worship and to seek out the direction of the Holy Spirit. The church would do well to fast and pray regularly before and during its times of worship. Perhaps you can lead the charge and start the trend.
In Acts 14:20-23 Paul and Barnabas win many people to the Lord through the preaching of the gospel. Within each city they appoint elders over the flock and commit them to the Lord through prayer and fasting, having warned the new disciples that there will be many hardships to pass through before entering into the Kingdom of God. Again the contemporary church would do well to set apart elders with prayer and fasting and even to support and uphold current elders with prayer and fasting. You can start the ball rolling by fasting and praying individually or with your cell group. You can declare one day this week to be a day of fasting and praying.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Praise God for the many Mums and children from the community who attend M.O.P.s and Playpals. Pray that their hearts will continue to be opened to God’s truths and that they would in turn, see His face and forgiveness.
¥ Ask God to bless the work of PIM (Presbyterian Inland Mission), a ministry that sends gospel workers into outback Australia. These padres need fellowship, perseverance and often finances to keep themselves and their vehicles going. Pray that God would provide and that he would open doors for them to share the gospel and to bring many to the Lord in repentance and faith.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How could your church incorporate fasting into its regular time of worship?
2. What role does individual fasting have in corporate worship?
3. Would you be ready and willing to fast and pray as part of your worship of God?
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