Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Tuesday April 2, 2013

Read Deuteronomy 15:4, 15:11, Acts 4:34

The most basic need of all humans is to be loved. If you could comprehend more fully just how much you are loved by God your life would be revolutionised. But as humans with a finite and limited mind, it’s hard to comprehend what it cost God Almighty to send His one and only Son into our world to die a humiliating and extremely painful death upon the cross. It’s hard to fathom how Jesus could willingly take upon Himself the anger of God so that you can be totally and utterly forgiven.


As you understand more of that genuine, selfless love you won’t see a contradiction in Deuteronomy 15:4 and 11. God’s loving desire is that we share the love we have received from Him and out of that love seek to eradicate poverty in the world. It’s a sad fact that enough food is thrown out each year to feed all the people of the world at least three times over. Verse 11 states the reality of life. There will always be poor people in the world. There will always be greed and greedy people. There will always be (until Jesus’ returns) robbers and rip-off merchants and people who exploit others.

God’s heart is that we taste and indulge in His love and then share that love with others in real, practical ways.


Everyone loves to hear those 3 wonderful words, ‘I love you’. But words can be cheap and easy. Everyone needs to see those 3 wonderful words in action. Bridges of friendship are built by putting love into action. Restoration and reconciliation is opened up acts of love. Hatred is diminished by real, tangible acts of love. People are lifted out of the pit when we climb into the pit and help them with genuine selfless acts of love.


Soon after the New Testament Church started from Peter’s preaching there were over 5,000 people gathered in the church. Three thousand were converted in one sermon (every preacher’s dream come true) and God  added daily to the number being saved.  One would expect that the church resources were drained and that there was very little to share and to give around. Yet we read in Acts 4:34 that there were no needy persons among them. What God desired in Deuteronomy 15:4 had for a time, at least, become reality. Hallelujah!


You and your church may not be able to solve world poverty. But  you can make a huge impact in someone’s world and you can show them that they are dearly loved simply by being generous.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries as they seek to care for widows, orphans and others who are poor and needy. Pray that God would provide all their needs and bring all the required resources. Pray that the Gospel would spread throughout the land as more and more Christians minister generously.

¥ Pray that your church would be known as a generous church and that this is reflected in the giving at your local church.



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What does it mean to be generous?

2. Can you think of one way you can be generous this week?

3. How can you grow a heart like God’s in Deut 15:4 and Acts 4:34?


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