Monday, 15 April 2013

Monday April 15, 2013

Weekly Challenge

If possible, see if you can spend a whole day in fasting and prayer this week. Journal your feelings, prayers and what you learnt from the fast.


Read 1 Samuel 7:1-11

Many believers don’t fast because of a lack of knowledge about the how, why and what of fasting.

This week we will seek to explore several biblical passages on fasting and, God willing, to be able to fast in a biblical manner with full confidence that such fasting pleases the Lord.


Obviously, fasting is abstaining from food and/or drink for a set period of time. Biblically, there were private and public fasts with varying time frames . No imperative is set for the length of a fast. Similarly, there seems to be no word about whether one should abstain from food or from water or from both water and food.


Throughout the Old Testament we see Israel fasting several times, often in times of remorse with much weeping and repentance. Fasting is used as a means to cry out to God and to plead with Him to turn from His righteous anger. In 1 Samuel 7 we see the continuation of the cycle so prevalent throughout the book of Judges: Israel rejects God, she is ruled by a foreign power as punishment by the Lord and she then turns back to God in repentance.  Here in 1 Samuel 7 the people fast and confess their sins to the Lord. They humble themselves as they put away their false gods and icons.


As you and I know, the Lord loves a humble heart. He lifts up the humble and exalts them. Here in 1 Samuel 7 we see that God lifts up the Israelites and grants them victory over the Philistines. Their fasting and confession was acceptable to God because it was humble, contrite and genuine.


Fasting is an acceptable way to show contrition, remorse for our lifestyle and/or sinful choices. Even more so, no matter what the reason for our fast, it will only be acceptable to the Lord when it comes from a humble and contrite heart that is genuine.  God cannot and will not be mocked.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pride is the big killer of churches and ministry efforts. Pray that your congregation from the leadership down would be humble, contrite and willing to submit to the will and the Word of the Lord. Pray that this submission and humility would flow freely from a heart that has been immensely changed by the love of God.

¥ Pray that God would humble all the false religions and the organisations that set themselves up against the Lord and His chosen Son, Christ Jesus. Pray that these groups would be brought to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Should a NT believer fast? Why or why not?

2. Is fasting mandatory in the NT? Defend your answer?

3. Have you ever fasted? Share your experiences.


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