Saturday, 6 April 2013

Saturday April 6, 2013

Read Mark 12:41-44

I remember reading the true story of a multi-millionaire who put a large cheque of several million dollars in the offering plate in a particular congregation. It’s astounding to even think about.  But put yourself in the shoes of the person counting the offering. You read the cheque and are left gob smacked. Naturally, you praise and adore God. Then you open another envelope and a $10 note falls out. Isn’t it easy to think, ‘Whoopee do’!


As Jesus and the disciples watched people put money into the Temple treasury they noticed many people throw in large amounts, some people really make a fanfare and show out  of their giving.  The disciples may have been tempted to praise God and to stand in awe of what was given.


But Jesus notices an old widow over by the side wall. She’s too embarrassed to draw attention to herself. She doesn’t throw her money and announce it with a trumpet blast. She quietly and humbly honours God with her two small, almost worthless coins.


As she drops her coins into the treasury, Jesus makes His pronouncement.

"I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all she had to live on."


God is more interested in the heart than in the dollar amount. He wants us to give cheerfully, with a joyous heart. He wants us to give sacrificially, not with a grasping fist or a tight heart but with the joy of the Lord.  God wants us to give to Him, even out of our poverty.


If you and I are to give in a way that honours God we need to give generously.  We need to give sacrificially. We need to avoid the Sonday morning rummage through the purse or wallet seeking all our left over coins. We need to set an amount aside for God and joyously stick to it regardless of what life throws at us.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Praise God for every individual in your congregation. Pray God’s blessing over 5-10 particular individuals.

¥ Pray that your congregation would be a generous congregation.

¥ Pray that God would bring great blessing and relief to our brothers and sisters in Nigeria who fear constant attack and who are persecuted for their faith.  Pray that many of the persecutors would see Christ in the believers and be drawn to Him in repentance and faith.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. How do you feel about giving to God?

2. How can you cultivate a healthy attitude and practice re giving to God?


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