Read Matthew 19:16-29. 1 Tim 6:6-12
There are some things in this world that grab our heart and cling to it like a lion with its claws firmly embedded in its victim. Money or wealth is one of those things.
The rich young ruler that came to Jesus learned this difficult lesson. He asked Jesus the things that are required for eternal life. Most self respecting Jews would ask a similar question - what must I do to inherit eternal life?
Jesus, as always, knows the true heart of this man and after some talk about general commands, comes to the very heart of the matter. Jesus tells the man to sell his possessions and to give to the poor. The man turned and with heavy shoulders walked away from Jesus. He was rich and wealth had grasped his heart. He would rather miss out on eternal life than give up his great wealth.
Those who are rich and those who yearn to be rich open themselves up to many temptations because money and wealth are a source of many great evils. Some, like this rich man, turn away from God’s kingdom and pursue wealth.
The antidote that Jesus proposes is to put wealth in its proper perspective. We are to flee from the pursuit of wealth, much like we would flee from a lion. It’s not just a mind thing but a lifestyle thing as well. We are to flee the desires of wealth and we are to actively pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. This pursuit can be through active involvement in ministry, through counselling and godly input into our lives and through a better stewardship of our finances. The key word is pursue. We are to actively engage in chasing the characteristics that God talks about here.
If we find that our heart is gripped by wealth then all is not lost. Even though it’s easier for a literal camel to be pushed and shoved through the eye of a sewing needle, there is still hope. With God nothing is impossible. God can change your heart He can give you a new heart of flesh, having removed your old heart of stone. He can change you from the inside out. If we find that we need a radical heart transplant then we can do several things.
Firstly, we need to invite God into our heart and ask Him to perform that transplant. We need to stop grasping at that thing that has grasped our heart. Secondly, we need to put that thing in its proper perspective. For the rich young ruler that meant selling everything and giving to the poor. For you it may mean increasing your giving to 2 or 3 or 4 tithes. It may mean volunteering in a refuge or soup kitchen. It may mean changing to a less affluent lifestyle. It may mean many things. Thirdly, seek input from your elders and pastor and spend time praying with them and listening to their input. Finally, conscript friends and family to pray for you consistently and constantly. Make yourself accountable to at least one other believer and meet regularly for encouragement and edification.
The reality of life is that some things grab our hearts with such strength and emotion that we need external help to be freed. Money/wealth is one such thing. We need to take radical action to protect our hearts and to be freed from such ravages again.
It’s never to late to ask God for a heart transplant.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Ask the Lord to work powerfully in tomorrow’s services. Pray that God would prepare each and every single person to meet with Himself and that He would be working powerfully to grow us in Christ-likeness and humility. Pray that the Word would be powerfully proclaimed tomorrow in both services and that the believers would be equipped and the non believers convicted to bow the knee and to confess Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How important should money/wealth be to believers?
2. What does the bible teach about wealth and believers?
3. How can we use our wealth to glorify God.
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