A mechanic went to the local car yard dump site and picked out the worst bomb he could find. It was a rusty wreck that had no hope of ever functioning properly. It was a complete write-off! But that mechanic took the car home and worked meticulously on it. He renewed it. He cut out the rust. He worked on the motor. He repainted it. He fixed the upholstery. He gave up everything to fix that car.
The life of that car describes somewhat the life that you and I have in Christ. We were on the scrap heap without hope in this world. Jesus came into our dump yard and through His death and resurrection renewed us. He worked on us and made us completely new again. Verses 1-3 describe our hopeless life without Christ Jesus. We are that broken, rusted wreck sitting helplessly in the junk yard.
But Jesus comes in and in vs 4-7 He picks us up and works on us. With great love, patience and mercy Jesus transforms us into His image. We are made into a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Now just imagine if that transformed wreck of a car could actually communicate with us. Would that car, in all its beauty and prestige, boast about itself and congratulate itself and brag about how good it is? Would it drive down the street and shout out ‘Look at me. Look at me!’ Of course it wouldn’t. It would, more than likely, give all praise, glory and honour to the mechanic. It would drive the mechanic around with pride - pride in him for he has done all the work. Verses 8-10 summarise how you and I should live given that the eternal heavenly mechanic has worked on us. It is by His grace we are saved. We should not boast in ourselves or what we’ve done. We should boast in what our mechanic has done in our lives. People who once saw the wreck in the junk yard should see the work of our Saviour, His grace and mercy in our lives. They should see Jesus hand print all over our lives.
Also we should willingly, joyously do the work that God called us to do. God pulled us out of the junk yard and renewed us with a purpose in mind. He had a job for us to do and we should willingly, joyously and even eager do the work for which we have been recreated to do.
- Spend time praising God for His grace and mercy in your life. Play a Christian praise song or 12 and sing praise, honour and glory to God.
- Pray that the Grace of God would be clearly communicated this Christmas throughout the churches in our land. Pray that God would bring new life to those who are visiting our churches. Pray that we see God powerfully at work in our churches this year.
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