Friday, 3 December 2010

Friday December 3, 2010

Read Micah 5-6, Matthew 3:1-12

It must have caused quite a stir among the Israelites as Micah prophesied the work of the Lord. How will it happen? What will be done? How will God achieve this peace and world tranquillity? How will He subdue the nations?

Out of little Bethlehem (which, incidentally, means House of Bread) will come a ruler over Israel. His origins will be from old or from eternity. This is no ordinary person.  He will be  tied to the Ancient of Days and will represent Him. He will be endowed with the wisdom that comes from being of old (in Hebrew times, old age was a symbol of blessing and deep wisdom, not senility and being decrepit)  This ruler will shepherd the flock in the strength of Yahweh Himself. He will stand in the majesty of the name of Yahweh. His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. This person born in Bethlehem will be their peace.  This is the Davidic figure that was promised long ago to the Great King David - the one who would rule on David’s throne for all generations.  This is the one that would bring blessings to all the families of the earth, through the lineage of Abraham. This is the one that would reverse the curses incurred in Genesis 3 after the rebellion.

What Micah is portraying is the first Christmas and its eternal effects. He’s picturing the coming of Jesus into the world.  From humble beginnings, from a humble town, in a humble manger the ruler of the world will arise.  From Bethlehem will come the Bread of Life who will give life for  the world . He will lay down His life for His sheep and call others who are not of this Israelite pen.  By dying, He will open the gate to green pasture for His sheep and through the power of the Lord Almighty, they will know His voice, follow Him and be gathered together by Him.

And He will rise victorious over death. He will ascend to the right hand of God and from there pour out His Spirit upon all who believe. Even sons and daughters (see Joel 2) will prophesy and see visions and be imbued with the Holy Spirit. This is the one who will activate the new age, the age of the Messiah which will precede His coming to gather the elect from the four corners of the earth.

And as we read in Matthew, 3 Magi from the east, from distant lands came and worshipped the one who was to be born King. They saw the sign in the stars and read the times. They understood that God was doing a great work and they reacted appropriately - they bowed in homage and presented suitable gifts to the King of Kings.

This Christmas season let us all bow in homage and give the great King the gifts that are worthy - the fruit of lips that confess His name and a life of obedient service.


  • Pray for those who are preaching this Christmas in your church. Pray that God would use them powerfully to proclaim the message of Christ Jesus, the Saviour, born into our world. Pray that we see many people come to Christ in repentance and faith.

  • Pray for the work of Creation Ministries. Pray that God would bless them with all they need - finances, resources, human needs etc. Pray that their work would be effective and would bear much fruit.

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