Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Monday November 29

Read Micah chapter 1

How much do you know about Micah? Like most of us you’ve probably heard of him and know that he’s in the section of the Bible called the Minor Prophets and that probably sums up as much as we think or know about him.

Micah prophesied, aside the greats like Isaiah and Amos, eight centuries before Christ was born. Israel was thriving economically and, from the world’s perspective, all looked well. But internally, there was deep and serious spiritual decay.  Canaanite religion had filtered into the land and was usurping the position of Yahweh, the one true living God.  The rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.  Social injustice was rife.

If the opening chapters of Micah’s prophecy were a movie it would be a very negative and bleak opening. Words of judgement pour out from the mouth of the prophet because of the state of the nation. He appears on the scene prophesying doom and destruction.

But as we look forward to Christ we see that God will deal with the sin of the people. He will bring forth a shepherd, someone after His own heart that will lovingly and righteously lead the people into God’s glory and blessing. As the prophesy continues we learn more about who this shepherd deliverer will be.


¨ Spend time praising God that He will deal with the sin of the people by sending a Shepherd. Thank God that He will open up an avenue of hope, a door of salvation for all who call on His name.

¨ Pray for the ministry of Student Life. Pray that the students and staff and volunteers will be refreshed over the break and ready for service in the new year. Pray that God will equip and bless those headed on mission through the holiday.

Take some time to consider the world that Micah lived in. What was it like? In what ways is it like your world? What does Micah’s Word mean for you in your world?

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