Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Read Zechariah 7:4-5

General Truths About Fasting

1. Fasting is For God.

Zechariah 7:4-5 makes it clear that our fasting is to be directed primarily towards God. It is not about us, other people or other things. It is something done in reverence and worship of God.

Then the word of the LORD Almighty came to me:-

"Ask all the people of the land and the priests, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted?’”

Romans 6:14 captures this same sentiment even though it doesn’t particularly mention fasting.

He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.

2. Meeting with God.

When Moses met with God on the Mount of Sinai he fasted for 40 days. Exodus 24:18, 34:28, Deut 9:9, 9:18 should also be read.

King David, after committing adultery, fasted. While this was partly due to repentance, he did seek to meet with the Lord through his process of fasting. See 2 Samuel 12:19-22.

Ezra petitioned God and sought His favour through fasting.  Ezra 8:21-32.

Esther (4:16) sought the Lord’s favour and protection through fasting together with all the Jews.

We could at this stage extrapolate to conclude that when we are to meet with God for extended periods, fasting may be appropriate. We cannot, however, command this kind of fasting for all believers.

3. Fasting in Repentance.

Several other passages show that fasting was carried out when the people of God repented of their sinfulness. Deut 9:18, Judges 20:26, 1 Sam 7:6, 1 Kings 21:27-28, 2 Chronicles 20:3, Daniel 9:3, Joel 2:12, Jonah 3:5-8,.

4. In Mourning.

In the Scriptures there are several instances where people fast as a sign of their mourning loved ones who have died. 2 Samuel 12:16-17,  1 Chronicles 10:12. Ezra in Ezra 10:6 fasts in mourning over the Israelites sin. This kind of fasting as a

sign of mourning is probably more cultural than mandatory. There is no scriptural condemnation of our food filled wakes during mourning.

5. Seeking a Decision/Answer from the Lord.

Closely related to the second point, we see that many of the faithful men and women of the Bible sought the Lord’s decision or favour through fasting. Judges 20:26.

2 Samuel 12:16ff David seeks God’s healing for his son.

2 Chronicles 20:3 Jehoshaphat seeks the Lord’s will through a fast.

Ezra 8:22ff Ezra seeks the Lord’s protection through fasting.

Acts 13:2-3 the NT church fasted and prayed and learnt the will of God for Barnabas and Saul.

In Acts 14:23 they fasted and prayed and committed these men to God.

6. Fasting and Sin.

The Scriptures are exceptionally clear about the link between fasting and sin.

Isaiah 58:3 tells us that Israel sinned during her fast because she chose to do as she pleased, neglecting the law of the Lord.

Isaiah 58:4 tells us that the fasts of Israel ended with fighting and quarrelling. The outcome of this is that their prayers would not be heard by God.

Isaiah 58:5 shows that true fasting is humbling ourselves before the Lord. Obedience is the key to godly fasting.

Isaiah 58:6-7 shows that when we fast we should have compassion on the needy. Clearly God sees our fast as other centred and not as solely ‘me’ centred.

Jeremiah 14:12, The Lord will not accept the fast of the Israelites because of their sin and will bring judgement down upon the people.

Zechariah 7:5 confronts the people and challenges them. Was the fast really for God or for your own ends??

Matthew 6:16, Jesus shows that we can fast and be hypocritical by seeking praise from men. Luke 18:12ff shows the same point.

7. Fasting and Temptation.

When Jesus was led out to the desert to be tempted He fasted for 40 days and nights. Matt 4:1ff, and Luke 4:1ff link the temptation with fasting. Fasting can be a means of enduring temptation or conversely, it can lead be a source of temptation.

For Consideration:

A/. Which of the above 7 points apply to your own fasting directly?

B/. As you read the Scriptures what do you hope to gain from fasting?


  • Pray for those who have been preaching and teaching regularly throughout 2010 - children’s workers, youth leaders, elders and pastors. Pray for a deep rest and renewal in the Lord’s strength and mercy. Pray  for godly and biblical input into their lives so that they can be ready to preach and teach in 2011.

  • Pray that God would raise up servants and workers for all the needed areas in 2011.

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