Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Tuesday December 7, 2010

Read Hosea 11

Matthew uses an interesting quote from the OT to talk about the birth of Jesus. Hosea is reflecting back on the great Exodus from Egypt. Back then, the nation of Israel was enslaved by the Pharaoh of Egypt. He would not let the people go. What ensued was a battle of the gods - Ra (Sun god on earth) versus Yahweh - the God of the Hebrews. A mighty battle arose and God struck Egypt with nine great plagues that all but destroyed the nation. Even so, Pharaoh would not yield his heart. He would not let the people go. So God knocked Pharaoh to the canvas in the knockout punch. The first born of all Egypt died that Pass Over night while the Hebrews were kept safe. Pharaoh relented and drove the foreigners out of the land. They were free! God had called His son to Himself and out of that formed the nation of Israel and planted them in their own land - promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey.

As Matthew quotes this calling out of Egypt, we see Jesus coming out of Egypt with His parents to return to the promised land. But unlike Israel that strayed from her Father in the desert - the more He called, the more they strayed - Jesus would walk in

true and complete obedience. Jesus would succeed where Israel failed. Jesus would humble Himself in obedience, even to death on a cross! As the perfect God-man, Jesus could offer Himself up as the perfect sacrifice to pay ransom for the sins mankind. He could pay for your sins and my sins because He had none of His own to pay for.

The mission given to Israel was given to the New Israel - the perfect Israel and through Him to the new “nation” of believers.  Jesus, and by default, His followers, would now be the light to the nations. Jesus will send His followers into all the world  to make disciples of all nations. God would draw people from every nation, tribe and tongue to Himself through the life, death and resurrection of His true son, His truly obedient Son.


  • Spend time praising God for Jesus’ obedience and willingness to die on the cross for your sins and my sins. Praise God for the resurrection that proves that the sacrifice of Jesus was acceptable. Praise God that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

  • Pray for our World Changers Committee as we prepare for two missions in 2011. Pray for the Burma mission (to preach the gospel and to teach bible college students, possibly in three different colleges) and the Shiloh Church Ministries Mission (to build a second story addition to the orphanage, to evangelise locals and to train up pastors). Pray that God would raise up a team for both missions. Pray for needed finances and resources.

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