Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Tuesday November 30, 2010

Read Micah 2

We live in a world where we almost expect things to go wrong. Violence is commonplace as is fraud, murder, deceit and lying. It’s so rampant that we are hardly ever surprised. But as you read through Micah chapter 2 you notice something very very surprising! The people that are plotting evil and perpetrating ungodly acts are God’s own people!!! The people that should be righteous are NOT!! The people were

seizing the land and property of others through cunning and deceit.  The poor were being robbed. The prophets were prophesying lies - God is love. He will not punish. He will not avenge. Go about your business because God is love!  It was like looking at the negative of a photo. Everything was back to front, reversed from the way God intended it to be.

And yet God screams out amid the violence and ungodliness, “Do not my words do good to him whose ways are upright?” (v7c).  He finishes the chapter by declaring, “I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people. One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their king will pass through before them, the LORD at their head."

That promise is still alive and well today for those who love the Lord God Almighty. In fact it’s been fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He came as the King who would shepherd His people into the green pastures of the new heaven/earth. He will tend His flock with gentleness and love and compassion. He will go before us and be at our head. He will guide us and lead us victoriously home to those green pastures of eternity.

With Jesus as our King and Shepherd, you and I can face the world head on. We can take a stand against the injustices we see. We can petition for the rights of the poor and oppressed. We can make a noise for those who are down trodden and forgotten. We can lift up the needy and uphold their cause. In Christ Jesus, we can be the advocate for those who need an advocate. We can cry out for those who need a voice.

Our God will gather His people from the four corners of the earth. He will fill His house with a mass of people, there will be a ‘throng’ of people in the Lord’s place. You and I are fellow gatherers. God has given us the mission of gathering from the four corners of the world. Today, you can gather up the lost and bring sheep home to the Lord’s pen by sharing the good news, by making disciples. Think strategically about the day ahead. Which non Christians will you see today? What will you talk about? How can you turn the conversation to Christ? How can you slip in an invite to church this Sonday? How can you speak of the joys of Christmas, the coming of the Saviour into our world to rescue us and to bring us to the green pastures of eternity?


¨ Pray for the Straight Talk Ministry that Jim and Faye run.  Ask God to bless them and refresh them over the Christmas break. Pray that God would continue to open doors for them to minister and serve in the schools.

¨ Pray for Kings Kids teachers, MOPS servants and PlayPals workers that they will have the endurance needed to finish the year and that they too will be refreshed and renewed over the Christmas break. Pray that God will bless each of these servants with great blessing as they have been giving out all year.

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