Saturday, 11 December 2010

Saturday December 11, 2010

Read Isaiah 11

The first 40 chapters of Isaiah are not a pretty picture. They are by and large, a word of judgement against the faithless and adulterous Israel. The prophet has harsh words to say as he seeks to bring God’s people back to Himself. But scattered throughout the first 40 chapters are glimpses of hope and salvation. Chapter 11 is one such oasis of hope.

The shoot that comes from the stump of Jesse, the Nazarene as we’ve seen, will grow and judge the world in righteousness. He will slay the wicked and open up a paradise for the chosen of God. He will lead them into a perfect world that makes the current promised land pale into insignificance.

Just picture what this new promised land, this heavenly land, will be like. The wolf and the lamb will play together and they won’t play “come to dinner at my house”.  They will play peacefully, frolicking like two innocent children in the fields. The lamb and the cheetah will lie down together without roast lamb on the menu. The bear and the cow will eat together side by side and even the lion, the great ferocious lion, will eat straw like an ox. Even a child will play with a deadly snake and suffer no harm. They will neither harm nor destroy on the holy mountain of God.

It’s a beautiful picture of paradise and perfection, one that we can only dream about. But it’s no dream.  As you read more of Isaiah you begin to realise that this shoot of Jesse, Christ Jesus, is the one who will call Israel back to Himself, back to this perfect paradise, but the nations will also stream to Him. Nations, other than Jerusalem, will be invited in. In fact, anyone who believes in Christ and loves Him, has entry into this perfect paradise.

But to open the gates to this perfect paradise, Jesus must die on the cross and suffer for the sins committed against God. He does not have to suffer for His own sins but for the sins of the world—for you and I who rebelled against God and broke His law. Jesus pays the penalty for our sins so that we can enter into that perfect paradise for all eternity.

Not only should we be constantly praising God, we should be inviting everyone we meet to join us in that kingdom. We need to be sharing with friends and family, neighbours and strangers, the good news that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


  • Pray for the people in your world who are currently distant from Jesus - ie unbelievers. Pray that God would open their eyes to the truth and grant them faith and repentance in Christ Jesus. Pray that they will come to church tomorrow and respond to the good news. Pray for each one by name.

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