Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Wednesday April 1, 2015

Read Romans 8:28-30

 While scholars and ivory tower thinkers may debate the presence of evil in the world, it is clear to us who have suffered that evil and suffering can actually produce good!

Firstly, God teaches us about Himself through suffering and pain. Joni Erickson was paralyzed from the neck down as a teenager. She spent the next 40 or so years learning how  faithful, loving and wonderful God really is. She could have cursed and rejected God but she grew to know Him better. Today she thanks God for what happened to her because of the good it brought into her life. She ministers to thousands upon thousands of people in similar situations.

Secondly God turns people to Himself in suffering. Many a Christian has come to God again and again through suffering, desperate to find His loving arms and protection. Many a non Christian has come to see the love of God through times of suffering.

Thirdly, the Bible assures us that suffering builds character. We read ‘but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope…’ (Romans 5:3-4).

Fourthly, God has built into each one of us an inner knowledge that things aren’t the way they should be. Deep down we know that all is not well. We know that life should be better than it is. As we experience suffering we yearn and long for something better. This longing is meant to lead us to God and to the wonderful plan He has for our lives.

Many people never consider the option of choice. When God created  the world He created humans with the capacity to choose. They could choose to obey or disobey God.

A world without choice would not be glorifying to God. Humanity would be more like robots. We’d obey God and do what He wants like a robot performing a mechanical task. God created us with the ability to choose.  Unfortunately, mankind chose to disobey God. We are living out the consequences of choosing to disobey God.

In a world of choice there has to be opposites. God created black, He also created white. He created up, He created down.  He created light and dark, day and night, sun and moon etc. In such a world it would have been strange if there were not the option to choose to obey or disobey God.

God will, however, recreate a new world where disobedience will be a thing of the past. It will be a perfect world like the world that God originally created. It will be filled with all those people who chose to love and obey God.

Other explanations for Evil and Suffering.
The Bible seeks to deal honestly with the problem of evil and suffering and offers us hope for the future.
Other explanations are less than satisfactory.
Evolution: Death and struggling is a necessary part of life. If you don’t measure up you deserve to die.
Other Religions: You have done something wrong and deserve to suffer. You have brought this on yourself since you are the master of your own destiny.

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