Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Tuesday March 31

Read Genesis 3

The Bible speaks clearly about the source or origin of evil. God created a perfect world where all was in harmony with His plan and design. Humanity existed in a perfect relationship with God - a virtual paradise.

But satan tempted Adam and Eve to turn their back on God. He tempted them to disobey God. They did! God had earlier told them  "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." Satan’s temptation involved eating from the one tree (out of the millions created) that God had said not to eat from. When they ate of it, God upheld His word.

At that point death, disease, sin, evil, wickedness etc entered the world. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the paradise (which the Bible calls Eden). The world soon became a place of mayhem, lies, murder and rebellion.  Read the first 12 chapters of the Bible and notice how similar it sounds to our own world!

You and I live in a world outside of God’s paradise. We live in a world that has chosen to disobey God. We live in a world sweltering under the consequences of its own actions.

But as you’ll see in the conclusion, the Bible is the story of how God reverses mankind’s sin and brings him back to that perfect paradise. God will not let evil and suffering rule the world for ever. He will bring it to an end.

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