Saturday, 14 March 2015

Saturday March 14, 2015

Read Titus 2:11-15

Imagine several religious gurus sitting in a circle discussing their strategies for overcoming sin and temptation. The question is put to the group, ‘How do you overcome sin and temptation?’ What kind of answers would you expect to hear?

Someone might say, ‘That’s simple, just get rid of your desires and wants’. Another might say, ‘Join forces with the universe and you’ll go forward’. Still another might argue that there is no temptation and sin, only as we label it as such. Still another would say that condemnation and damnation await you if you don’t.

The group falls silent and wonders at the response of the Christian, “Only by grace.” What does he mean? How can he say that? What’s this babbler talking about? What’s grace got to do with it?

The grace of God that brings salvation to all, that is to all who would come to God through Jesus (not to all people regardless of their beliefs) has appeared in Jesus Christ. He has died on the cross for the sins of the world and he has been raised to eternal life. It is this grace that teaches us to live for Jesus glory by avoiding temptation and sin.

Notice that there’s both a positive and negative element to the teaching of grace. On the negative side grace teaches us to say no to worldly passions and to ungodliness. On the positive side grace teaches us to live godly self controlled and upright lives in the present age – an age of temptation and indulgence.

If verses 11-12 are true, and of course we all accept them as true because they are the Word of God, then this has incredible implications for us in our daily walk with God.  If it’s grace that teaches us to move away from sin then taking on more laws (do this, don’t do this, behave like this and not like that) in our hearts will do nothing for us in terms of purity and holiness.  Trying harder in and of itself will not produce a godly lifestyle. Punishing ourselves will do little to change the heart.

The problem lies with the nature of sin and temptation and the nature of humanity. Little of what we do and say comes from the surface. Most of our words and actions flow outwards from the heart and are a by-product of what’s in one’s heart. Rules and regulations, trying harder and self-flagellation can’t and will not change the heart.

Grace, on the other hand, can and does change the heart. If you are struggling with sin and want to grow in purity and holiness start by meditating on grace. By meditating, I don’t mean read the part of the Bible and get on with your life. Biblical meditation means to think deeply upon a part of the Scriptures. Start with a passage about the death and resurrection of Christ. Think deeply about what Jesus suffered and how much He endured. Bring that suffering home as you praise and adore God that Jesus did this for you personally. Think about the sin and temptation you are struggling with and praise God that Jesus died on the cross for you in that struggle. Sing to God praise and adoration. Let tears well up and shout praises to God as you connect with Him.

As you taste of God’s grace and bathe in it, it will teach you to say NO to ungodliness and worldly passions and to say yes to living a self-controlled life, a life of upright purity and holiness.

Use the day’s reading notes and Bible passage to pray meaningfully:




· Pray that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ would lead you and your church family to say no to temptations and the lures of the world. Pray that everyone in your church family would be growing in grace, in knowledge and wisdom of the Lord.
· Pray for the leadership at all levels in your congregation and specifically that each leader will be growing in grace and wisdom and that he or she would be close to Lord in all things.

 Discussion & Reflection

1. If you have experienced the power of grace in your life in overcoming temptation, share with the group what happened and how grace worked in your life at that time.
2. Why do we need grace in overcoming sin and temptation as opposed to just grit and spit or determined self effort?
3. How do we get the grace we need when we are facing temptation?

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