Read Titus 2:6-10
The young men of the church don’t get much attention in this letter, do they?
For our current day, I wonder if the words written here are more than ample. Just think with me for a moment about the temptations and struggles that young believers, young men more pointedly, face today.
These are such relevant words
Titus 2:6
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
Secondly, there’s the temptation to deny the faith. As young men entre the workforce or more particularly the universities and colleges of the world, they’ll be confronted with evolution and will be expected to deny their faith or at least to keep it hidden. Gone are the days when universities were by and large, Christian.
Aren’t these encouraging and timely words?
Titus 2:6
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
Thirdly, there’s the temptation to be cool or up-to-date in everything. Our young men have to drive the best cars, wear the best clothes and sport the latest and trendiest gadgets – from phones, to watches to car stereo systems and so on - just to get noticed.
Then there’s the temptation to look the part, to be muscly and buff and literally perfect from head to toe. Pimples have to be eradicated. Abs have to streamlined and six-packed. Muscles have to be built up and bulked. Skin has to be smooth and flawless. And on it goes.
Other temptations include alcohol, drugs and social conformity and the need to be sexually active or experienced before marriage. All of these temptations push young believers away from the Lord.
The Word of God in Titus 2;6 is both timely and helpful. Our young men need, more than ever, to be self-controlled. How can they grow in that self control? Here’s some ideas to get you started.
· Identify your own personal temptations.
· Pray specifically about those temptations
· Avoid that temptation as best you can and enlist the aid of other people and other things (computer filtering programs etc) to help you avoid temptation.
· Go back regularly to the Bible for inspiration.
· Have a buddy you can pray with and share with regularly. Keep each other accountable.
· Use positively language avoiding phrases or thoughts such as “I’ll never beat this” or “I can’t do this” or “It’s too hard.”
· Give yourself biblical and positive alternatives in accord with 1 Cor 10:13.
· Learn to accept and rejoice in God’s forgiveness when you fall and learn to forgive yourself.
These are such relevant and encouraging words to our youth.
Titus 2:6
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
Use the day’s reading notes and Bible passage to pray meaningfully:
· Pray for the young people in your congregation, asking God to grant them self control and the ability to say no to temptation and the peer pressure that is so prevalent. Pray that our young people would be setting the agenda in their groups rather than following like blind sheep.
1. How can we encourage young men to be self controlled?
2. What is the world’s view of self control especially in relation to young people?
3. If Jacoby comes to you and says that he’s struggling with temptation and wants your help, how could you help him?
4. What are some good resources for dealing with temptation?
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