Monday, 27 April 2015

Monday April 27, 2015

Read Jeremiah 2:1-3:5

The young Jeremiah began his ministry by calling the nation of Judah to repentance. Warren Wiersbe in Be Decisive tells a funny little quip. Young pastors wonder why many more people don’t come to listen to their sermon. Older pastors look back and wonder why anybody came at all! And yet as Jeremiah kicks off his ministry to the people of Judah and beyond he speaks with courage, compassion and conviction. He has a message that pricks the ears of everybody within hearing range.  Jeremiah’s sermons drew great attention.

Jeremiah  brings charges against the people of God from God Himself. The great tragedy of the Bible is that God’s own people are charged by God.
Verse 9 of chapter 2 reveals the state of the nation.
“Therefore I bring charges against you again,” declares the Lord. “And I will bring charges against your children’s children.

Verse 11 shows the nature of the charge.
Jeremiah 2:11 (NIV84)
Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols.

Verse 13 puts it into picture or parable language,
The people have forsaken God, the spring of living water and have sought to dig their own cisterns. They have sought to provide for themselves by worshipping false and foreign gods.

Jeremiah then presents picture after picture illustrating how the people have forsaken their God, the one true living God and turned to false idols in adoration and worship. It’s clearly and succinctly summed up in verse 17.
Have you not brought this on yourselves by forsaking the Lord your God when He led you in the way?

As we turn and survey the church at large today, it’s clear that many sections, like the people of God of old, have also rebelled against God. Buildings, pastors, budgets, even music and performance have become the idols of worship today. Goals have changed from pleasing God to building grander buildings, raising millions of more dollars and perfecting the image presented to the world. Other churches have simply forgotten the gospel and speak nothing of the wrath of God – a wrath that the NT speaks plainly about. Other churches have simply blended into the world, trying desperately to attract people with the ways, the wisdom and the walk of the world.
Yet we all know almost instinctively that what is popular is not always right. How true it is when we consider the role and function of the church. Many churches simply jump on the band wagon assuming that popular trends are worth grabbing hold of.

But God calls us to what is right, not necessarily to what is popular. Often the truth will be unpopular. People in Jeremiah’s day didn’t want to hear about judgement. They wanted what was popular. Since then neither the character of God nor the character of mankind has changed. What is right is still not always popular and what is popular is not always right.

Prayer Points:

Using today’s Bible passage and reading notes spend time in adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.




· Ask the Lord to bless your leadership with discernment and godliness so that they can lead the flock and pastorally care for them as they guide and grow the congregation in godliness.
· Pray that the Lord would grow a spirit of generosity among your congregation and that each person/family would be tithing sacrificially.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What popular trends have you personally witnessed in the churches that are not biblical? Discuss how you came to the conclusion that they were not biblical.
2. If an unbiblical trend or program were adopted into your church, what would you do? What are some ungodly ways to react? What are some godly ways to react?
3. If you were to give Jeremiah 2:1-3:5 a heading, what would it be? Why?

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