Read Jeremiah 1:17-18
It’s very easy to become worn out and tired in ministry and service, isn’t it? It’s easy to stick at ministry or service for 1 or 2 years and then to fizzle out or to give up because of tiredness or even because of opposition and frustration. I’ve had many many people tell me that they’ve done their bit and now it’s someone else’s turn. Ministry/service and tiredness seem to go hand in hand.
The Lord told Jeremiah that he would face opposition. As we all know, when ever you tell someone they’re sinning, it’s almost inevitable that you will face opposition. Jeremiah was called to confront not just an individual but the entire nation with its sinfulness! Jeremiah could expect opposition from every quarter - from the people, from the priesthood, from the princes and rulers and even from the king himself.
In the face of such opposition Jeremiah is given a great encouragement from the Lord. We read in Jeremiah 1:17–18 (NIV84)
17 “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.
18 Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land.
Jeremiah is told not to fear the people or their reactions. He is not to fear those in high positions or even those with authority. He is to trust God and not fear the threats and attacks of the people. Jeremiah’s strength is to come from the Lord. Jeremiah is called to trust God wholeheartedly even if the kings and princes, priests and false prophets were to stand against him. It is God Himself who would strengthen and equip Jeremiah for the work ahead.
Jesus tells us a similar thing in Luke 12:4-5.
“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him.”
We are to fear God not mankind. We are not to be afraid of those who can only kill the body. Rather we are to fear the one who has the power to throw a person into the eternal fires of hell.
How many good works and ministries are currently stalled or stopped by fear? How many believers let fear run or guide their lives and their witness for Christ? I suspect that all of us have been in a situation where we failed to speak up for Jesus or to act for Jesus because fear overrode our desires and wishes. I suspect that all of us are guilty.
The Lord’s encouragement to Jeremiah is His encouragement to us. God will be with us and will walk ahead of us preparing both us and the world for the good works we have been called to do. Let’s get out into the world and serve God with the utmost confidence.
Prayer Points:
Using today’s Bible passage and reading notes spend time in adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.
· Pray that each and every member in your congregation would be granted confidence and strength to serve in line with God’s calling upon their particular lives. Pray that fear would be trodden on and cast down as Christians rise up together to serve and to glorify God.
· Pray that this weekend’s service at your church would be a powerful testimony to the faithfulness and love of God in Christ Jesus and that all the saints would be encouraged to serve and love boldly.
1. Apart from fear, what other things stop Christians from serving and loving and bringing glory to God?
2. Of all the things you listed, which one is the most potent and why?
3. Personally what fears have you faced that have stopped you from serving or ministering? How have you overcome fear in the past?
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