Saturday, 11 April 2015

Saturday April 11, 2015

Read Romans 10:9

So who is Jesus? Is He a liar, a lunatic, a legend or Lord?

If He were a liar, He’d have been found out by the disciples. They would have left Him and went on their merry way. If He were a liar He could not have done the great things that He did. Nor could He have manipulated and pulled off the greatest miracle of the last 2,000 years - the resurrection.

To rule out the possibility of Jesus being a lunatic you need only look at His life. He was a well thought out man who had compassion for many. He brought wholeness, fullness and healing. These are hardly the actions of a lunatic. Others looked to Him with respect and honour. Again, hardly the actions of a lunatic.

Of course He still could be a legend. Perhaps the stories have been modified and dramatized over the last 2,000 years. To discount this lie, see the study ‘How Did We Get Our Bible’. The Bible is one of the most historically accurate documents known to mankind.

Others still argue that Jesus was a good man who had good teachings. The problem here is that He taught that He was God and that He should be worshipped as God. If you accept that He is a good teacher, should not you accept this teaching as well?

If you seriously assess the available information, you have to come to the conclusion that Jesus is Lord. He is God. He deserves to be worshipped as God. No other conclusion fits the evidence.

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