Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Tuesday April 28, 2015

Read Jeremiah 3:6-25

God is gracious and loving and slow to anger. Each and every major section of the Old Testament presents God in this fashion. Here in the major prophets we again see God being slow to anger and abounding in compassion as He calls the people back to Himself. In chapters 3 and 4 the word ‘return’ is used 9 times. Thus these chapters deal with the concept or idea of repentance which involves several things.
· a return to God  from the false gods and statues, heavenly luminaries etc that the people were worshipping,
· an acknowledgment that God’s ways are right and just and best and that their ways were and are sinful/wrong (3:13),
· a change of heart (4:4) and mind regarding God’s ways and our ways and
· an actual change of our ways (4:1).

Jeremiah again turns to parable and picture language using the imagery of adultery and prostitution to convey the seriousness of Judah’s sin. Verses 4-5 convey the picture in all its ugliness

Have you not just called to me: ‘My Father, my friend from my youth, 5 will you always be angry? Will your wrath continue forever?’ This is how you talk, but you do all the evil you can.”

Jeremiah then puts salt on the wounds by looking at Israel, the northern kingdom. Relations between north and south were tense and often hostile. Many in the south hated those up north and saw them as compromised believers. To stand in Jerusalem and to preach about the North was to put one’s neck on the guillotine.

Verse 10 is the punch line.
In spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to me with all her heart, but only in pretence,” declares the Lord.

Then in full hearing of the southerners, Jeremiah preaches a call of repentance to northern Israel. One can only imagine the chagrin in the ears of the hearers. But as Jeremiah preaches he reveals some heartfelt truths that we all need to hear about God’s abounding compassion and slowness to anger.

In 3:19 we see that God will treat all who return as sons. In John 1:13-14 we see that Jesus gives us the right to become children of God. In Jeremiah 3:22 it is God who cures the people of backsliding. In 1 John 1:9 God purifies us from all unrighteousness. The God of the Old and New Testament calls people to repentance and lavishes all who return with love and grace.

There are two types of repentance in Scripture;
· the Initial repentance when non believers come to Christ in repentance and faith. Acts 2 and 16 show this kind of repentance and
· the ongoing repentance where believers are called to turn away from sin in their lives with a renewed heart and mind. This is what Jeremiah preached.

The Church today is charged to call for both types of repentance – a charge that is definitively not  popular. But it’s not all gloom and doom. As we saw, In John 1:13-14 those who repent are given the right to become children of God and in 1 John 1:9 we are told that God Himself will purify us from all unrighteousness. What an amazing God we serve.

Prayer Points:
Using today’s Bible passage and reading notes spend time in adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.




· Pray for the MOPS / Playpals ministry that runs alternately on Wednesdays. Ask the Lord to be granting repentance and faith in Jesus to more and more people in these groups. Pray that the church would grow as more families come to faith in Christ.
· Pray that those who help in these ministries would be blessed with more helpers so that the work load is distributed more evenly. Jesus Himself told us to ask the Lord of the harvest for workers into the harvest field. Ask for this in faith, knowing it is God’s will.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Why should the church call for repentance today?
2. What grace is included in the call for repentance?
3. Why should grace always be included in the call for repentance?

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