Read Genesis 6-9
The world wide deluge is another area that is greatly debated among Christians. Some believe it. Some don’t. Some have a middle of the road view, seeing it as a local deluge, not a world wide flood.
Scientifically there is much evidence to back up the flood. You can research that independently. Try Creation Ministries Web site or creation research and research global flood. But it is thoroughly amazing that some Christians will believe in evolution where there is no scientific evidence and yet will not believe in the world wide deluge where there is a lot of good scientific backing.
When we do not believe the plain and most forward or most sensible reading of Scripture we must ask ourselves, ‘Why we don’t believe the Bible at that point?’ To answer such a question requires brutal honesty. Is it because I have more faith in science than in the Word of God? Is it because I am too scared or too embarrassed to stand on the Word of God? Is it because I’ve just always assumed that science is about truth and honesty and can be relied upon in such matters?
These questions are multiplied exponentially when our ‘interpretation’ of a particular part of Scripture is backed up by another part, especially a New Testament passage. When it comes to the flood, Read Matthew 24:37-39. Jesus assumes that the flood and Noah were real and total in their destruction. If the flood were a myth, Jesus is basing an extremely important truth (His return and the judgement) on a fairy tale. It would be like me using Little Red Riding Hood or Goldilocks to make a vital and important point - ridiculous!! If we interpret the Bible differently to what other passages interpret or explain that part of the Bible, we are in a tenuous and difficult position. We not only have to explain why we are interpreting the Bible away from its most plain and commonsense meaning but also why we are disagreeing with other bits of the Bible, notably Jesus and the New Testament. Rarely if ever, is such a position warranted or justifiable.
As you think through Genesis 1-12 which bits of the Bible do you find hard to believe? Write down each bit and also write down why you find them hard to believe. Spend time praying about each one and ask God to show you how true they are.
à Continue to pray for our faithful warriors, Kevin & Barbara Mobbs that their witness of Christ will be a blessing to the people out at the Clifton Nursing Home.
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