Saturday, 12 November 2011

Saturday November 12, 2011

Read Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-11; Luke 5:17-26


Jesus is in Capernaum teaching, possibly in Simon Peter’s house. The power of God is present for Him to heal and the religious leaders have been hanging around, watching Him and seeking an opportunity to pounce on Him.


Four men, obviously filled with faith, bring their paralytic friend to see Jesus. Undoubtedly, they want him to be healed. But the house is crowded and there’s no way they could get to Jesus. So they climb to the roof and dig through the thatch. They lower their friend directly in front of Jesus.


Every one holds their breath waiting to see what Jesus would do or say. Will He heal the man? Will He chide the friends? What will He do? There’s a hush of expectation and anticipation in the air.


What transpired could not have been predicted by anyone. He turns to the paralysed man and says, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’ Shock and horror would have filled the room. The roof top friends would have been looking down in bewilderment, scratching their heads thinking, ’What?’


But Jesus has a point. He goes onto show that He alone has the authority and the power to forgive us for our sins. He poses a question to the religious leaders that are secretly accusing Him of blasphemy. The point of Jesus’ question is clear. If He can do the seemingly harder (and visible) miracle of healing then He can do the miracle of forgiveness (which can’t be seen). To prove that He has the authority to forgive, He simply tells the man to get up, to take up his mat and to go home.  To the amazement of everyone, the paralysed man got up, picked up his mat and went home.


The episode leaves no doubt that Jesus is the one who can forgive us for our sins.


Spend time in prayer asking for forgiveness for your sins. Having done that, spend time praising God for His forgiveness.



à Commit to God all the school students as they prepare for their final 2011 exams.


à Ask that His peace will reign in their lives.



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