Read Exodus 34:1-11; 2 Corinthians 7:10
Have you ever felt unforgiveable? Have you ever sat before God wondering if you’ve sinned just that once too often? Have you ever felt that the pit you’ve sunken into is just too deep to be rescued from?
The nation of Israel had fallen into a huge pit. Moses was on the mountain speaking with God and interceding for the nation. But because he was gone too long they started to craft a golden calf. They built an idol and danced around it. They sang to it and prayed to it and rejoiced that this mute, lame and blind golden calf had led them out of Egyptian slavery!
God was understandably angry at the nation. But after Moses’ intercession we read these words by God.
"The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
Can you hear what God is saying about Himself? God calls Himself compassionate. Compassion is putting mercy into practical action. He is gracious. He gives us what we don’t deserve. He loves to lavish with grace! He is not quick tempered or easily angered but is patient, slow to anger. He overflows with love because God is love. He is faithful to His Word and always keeps His promises. He continues to love the thousands and continues to pour out His forgiveness upon the wicked, the rebellious and the sinful. God would rather forgive than punish.
Every father or mother knows exactly what it’s like to want to forgive and to bless rather than to punish their children!
God is essentially a forgiving God. When we truly and genuinely repent and feel contrition for our sins (2 Corinthians 7:10) and seek God’s forgiveness God wipes our slate completely clean. God chooses to forgive us and lavishes us with His grace, His love, His goodness. If you can picture a Father joyfully wrapping his arms around his son who has just apologised for being rude to his Dad, you’re starting to see what it means for God to lavish us with love!
The implication for our lives is clear isn’t it? If you have done something that God hates then immediately stop your life and spend time with bowed knee before the Lord. Confess your sin. Ask for His forgiveness. Seek His face and be lavished with His love.
How humbling it is to experience God’s forgiving love. How renewing and strengthening to know and experience a love so powerful that it cancels all my rebellions, all my sins and all my transgressions. How soul changing to experience a love that bears the pain and punishment of the cross, a pain and punishment that was reserved for me but taken by Him.
Spend the day thinking deeply about Exodus 34:6-7.
This coming Sonday we are looking at God’s forgiveness. Who do you know that needs to hear about God’s forgiveness? Start praying today and invite them along to church this coming Sonday. Don’t leave it too late or they’ll already have plans.
¨ When Moses heard the description of the Lord he worshipped God! Spend time in worship as you praise and adore God for His forgiveness.
Prayer: -
à Pray for Chris Ayers in his role as team leader.
à Pray for the Friday night Bible study on John, lead by Ewa.
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