Saturday, 5 November 2011

Saturday November 5, 2011

Read Luke 12:4-12


Do you worry about conflict? Does the potential of conflict scare you or frighten you to the point of shutting up and being totally silent? Do you find yourself in situations where you know you need to speak up for Jesus but just can’t say anything because of fear? Have you tried to speak up in the past, only to mumble and jumble your response so much so that you’ve sworn never to say anything again?


I think we’ve all been there. Jesus knew that the disciples (and beyond them, us too) would have that same problem. The disciples would be engendered with a world wide mission and would face incredible hostility. They would be imprisoned. Some would be executed. Some would be stoned or driven out of towns and cities. Others would be chased from town to town by the lynching mob.


But Jesus still encourages us to fear not mankind, but God Himself. You see, mankind can only kill the body. After they’ve done that, they can do nothing. All they’ve succeeded in doing is send you to your heavenly Father’s presence!!! But God can kill the body and send the soul into eternal condemnation. God can affect your body after this life is finished! That’s a scary thought isn’t it?


I spoke recently about fearing God with one of my children. His understanding was as insightful as it was simple. In explaining what it means to fear God he said, ‘I don’t want to make God angry’. The converse is, ‘I want to enjoy God’s goodness and love’, not have Him angry with me.  As I come across any situation that may cause fear or trepidation I need to consciously remember that my heavenly Father is in control and has this situation in the palm of His hand. I need to know for certain that God is sovereign and that His will shall come to pass in this situation. I need to be more concerned for my heavenly Father’s will than my own will or my own safety. This is not a call to be rash, stupid or tactless, it gives us great confidence and stops us fearing mankind and their threats against us.



Read Isaiah 43:1-2 and spend the day reflecting on how it applies to you and what it means for your life.



à Pray for all the Grade 12 students as they commence their final school exams.


à Ask God to give them His wisdom and prudence as they move into 2012, whether it be into further studies or employment.


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