Read Matthew 10: 5-15
One of the things that scares us away from mission work and sharing our faith is the reaction that people might have. We might be afraid that some may react negatively. We might be afraid of persecution. We may be afraid that some people will reject the message.
Jesus Himself understood our fears. He warned the disciples that some people would reject them and hence their message and hence Jesus Himself. But rather than waste time and energy worrying about these people, the disciples were told to wipe the dust off their feet as a testimony against them. They were to leave those people in God’s hands.
How people react to the GOOD news is really not our business. Our job, our task is to take the GOOD news to them. We are delivery men and women or messengers. We cannot and should never manipulate people to believe the good news. It’s our job to share it.
Jesus told a parable of four different types of soils. Only one of those soils bore fruit! Don’t let the fear of people, or their reaction, stop you from being a full time missionary. Take up the challenge and resolve to share the GOOD News at every opportunity. Make it your goal to step out in faith every time the door opens for a ‘spiritual’ conversation.
Spend time in prayer telling God of our resolve to go on a mission and to be a full time missionary in your current context.
à Give thanks to God for all the faithful people who do many tasks unseen for His Kingdom.
à Thank God for Glenys Meyers who faithfully cleans our church building.
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