Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday November 4, 2011

Read Genesis 10; Luke 3:23-38


“National Treasure” is a movie where the main star (Nicholas Cage), a history buff from a long lineage of history buffs, discovers a secret map on the back of the Declaration of Independence which, like all good movies, leads him to the world’s largest treasure, allows him to get the girl and to avoid decades of imprisonment for stealing the Declaration of Independence. Part of the thrill of the movie arises from the fact that it belongs to a new genre of literature that blends historical fact and fiction. Truth is splashed liberally throughout the film but ultimately it’s a fiction based film. The end result is that  viewers are left convinced that it all could be true because of liberal splashing of truth among the fiction.


Such a genre is a relatively new phenomenon. It was unknown in the days when Moses wrote the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible).  Contrary to many people’s beliefs and wishes, Moses did not write fiction splashed with fact. If God’s Word were as such (eg the myth of the flood, or the myth of Babylonian creation rewritten etc) then several questions must be asked:

¨ How do I know which parts are mythical and which parts are factual?

¨ What is the standard or bench mark to tell the difference? Is it modern science or our own intuition?

¨ How do I know when the mythical elements cease and truth takes over? Does the myth continue to the New Testament?

How can I possibly interpret the “true” meaning (if such a phrase is usable in such a context of fact plus fiction) or intention of the text/passage? Under such a guise, any interpretation is as feasible as any other. Many have seriously suggested that the burning bush which spoke to Moses in the desert was, in reality, the thrusters of an alien spaceship. If my reading of the Bible is fiction plus fact, this interpretation has to be taken as seriously as any other interpretation.


If we persist with the fiction plus fact mentality then we end up in all sorts of mess and convoluted argument to prove our point. For example, the myth believing Christian may argue along these lines: the genealogy of Chapter 10 is obviously fiction. But there must have been several generations omitted because science has “proven” that the world is billions of years old. (By ‘several’, he or she actually means several hundred thousand because the scientists tell us that mankind has been around for millions of years) And when Luke draws a genealogical line from Adam to Jesus he too is leaving out millions of years of generations.  Can you hear the stupidity and absolute ridiculous line of argument being presented? Jesus ends up being the ancestor, not of Adam, but an ape if scientists were right about millions of years and evolution, Jesus is not the Son of God but the Son of Gorilla!


Do not be afraid to stand up for what the Bible says and teaches. Do not be concerned that the intelligentsia of today (universities and scientists and a host of so called professionals) reject the Bible and treat it as a joke. Much of their so called “intelligence” is based on hearsay, ignorance and  unsubstantiated, unproven dogma!  Pray continually that God would give you the courage to stand up for Christ and His Word. Pray that God would convince you completely of the truth of His Word. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be powerfully working within you to make you a great light that cannot be hidden or snuffed out.



à Praise God for the opportunity to have Rev Tas Walker, Creation Ministries preaching here this coming Sonday.


à Ask God to bless and to open the minds of people who will come to hear him, that they will be willing to perceive God’s truths in the whole area of creation.


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