Thursday, 6 October 2011

Thursday October 6, 2011

Read: Matthew 8:5-12, Matthew  1:1, Matthew 28:18-20


To understand why Jesus was willing to go with the Roman Centurion we have to understand the context of Matthew’s entire gospel. The gospel begins with a genealogy that, realistically speaking, bores most people. Just try to remember the last time you were excited about reading Matthew 1. But had I a spare 2,000 words I could excite you with the truths of genealogies and how much information they give us. Let me share just one titbit to tantalise your appetite. The genealogy of Jesus is summarised as a genealogy of Jesus as the Son of David and Abraham. Abraham was the one to whom God made a wonderful promise. Through Abraham all the nations (or families) of the earth would be blessed. Through David a ruler would come who would shepherd not only Israel but the entire world. This ruler would rule for all eternity in a perfect paradise that covered all the nations. Can you hear the enormity of what the writer is saying about Jesus in just 1 single verse?


At the other end of the gospel we see it closing with a command to take the message of salvation to every nation under the sun. The gospel starts with the blessing going to all nations and finishes with the command to take it out to all the nations. In between, we see many snippets where Jesus deliberately goes out of His way to allow the gospel, the good news, to penetrate the nations or at least a representative of the nations.


So why does Jesus go with the Gentile? Simply because God’s plan has always been to fill the world, the entire world, with people who love Him and serve Him with their heart and soul and mind and strength.


Matthew’s gospel is written to Jews (and to us) to show us that Jesus is the anticipated Messiah and that He wants us to extend His kingdom and His rule to each and every square inch of land under the sun. When you turned to Christ in faith and repentance you too became a part of that wonderful plan. Now it’s your turn to take that wonderful blessing to others. Hallelujah and Hallelujah!!!


Read John 3:16. Spend the day meditating on your role in God’s plan to save the world.




Prayer Points:

> For doors of opportunity to open to share the gospel with those visiting the bookstores in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


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