Monday, 17 October 2011

Monday October 17, 2011

Read: Mark 1:22-34. Ephesians 6:12


Many Christians live as though they are on a permanent break rather than on the battle field. Since satan entered God’s territory disguised as a serpent, we have been on the battlefield. Satan has been seeking to destroy God’s creation ever since he himself fell into  temptation. He has been seeking to lead God’s people away from genuine and holistic worship  through a myriad of schemes and devices.


It’s no accident that your TV is filled with hatred, anti-Jesus rhetoric and lusts, covetings and perverted sexuality. It’s no coincidence that the popular magazines of  today are encouraging our teens and pre teens to experiment with sex, to try homosexuality and to rebel or disagree with parents, to stand up and fight for their rights and to chase their pleasures and desires. It’s not sheer happenstance that various political parties and other groups are demanding the legalisation of things that God has said are sinful and wrong. Abortion, same sex marriage, free drug use, lower ages of consent and promiscuity all contradict God’s Word.


These are all schemes of the evil one to destroy God and His creation and to stop people from finding God and, hence finding eternal life in Christ Jesus, His one and only Son.  These are all schemes to stop you, my believing brother or sister, from spending quality time with God and in His Word. Satan doesn’t want you to grow in knowledge and love of God. He doesn’t want you to spend intimate time in fellowship and prayer with other believers. Make no mistake about and don’t be naïve. If he can get you to stay at home watching soft porn, semi-naked women or dreaming about that bigger better house and nicer car, he’s won the battle. Our battle, our daily battle is with the evil one and his minions.


When Jesus walked this earth, haven’t you realised that the evil spirits were the first ones that recognised the true identity of Jesus? They knew Him and fled from His presence. They cowered before Him. It was the people, even the people of Israel (who should have welcomed Jesus with procession and singing and praise) that hounded Him to the cross and crucified Him and sought to rid the world of Him. But Jesus was victorious. He has won. In Him, we have won as well! Hallelujah.


Read Ephesians 6:12. Spend the day thinking about where the battle lies with you. How are you fighting? Where are you fighting? How is your victory in Christ manifesting itself?

Prayer Points:

> Pray that Student Life would be able to start movements at the Universities in Cairns, Townsville and Mackay over the next twelve months.



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