Saturday, 1 October 2011

Friday September 30, 2011

Read: Matthew 8:1-4 Colossians 4:5-6. Matthew 28:16-20


The word evangelism evokes fear into the hearts of many believers. I’ve even been told off and have had people leave church for suggesting that we should be constantly watching out for opportunities to evangelise.  Colossians 4:5-6 tells us as much.  We are to make the most of every single opportunity as it arises. We are to willingly and joyously take every and any opportunity to share the love of Christ, the words of Christ and the salvation of Christ whenever we can.

There is an interesting dichotomy between the leper and us. Read Matthew 8:4 again and notice Jesus’ command to him.  He was told not to speak to anyone about Jesus but went and spoke to everyone. We are told to speak to everyone and yet we speak to no one. Something’s gone wrong hasn’t it? Something’s all mixed up and hay wire, isn’t it?


Making the most of every opportunity really isn’t as hard as it sounds. All we need to do is plunge in when the opportunity arises. When someone asks you about the weekend, you can talk about church and invite them along next weekend. When someone’s in pain, you can offer to pray for them. When someone needs help, you can be there to help with the love of Christ. Helping practically almost invariably opens doors to speak about the love of Jesus.  You can do good works (see Ephesians 2:8-10) which again open the door for sharing the good news.


There are several reasons why we are afraid to speak up about Jesus. Sometimes, we fear mankind and the reaction more than we fear God. Sometimes, we are afraid to lose our comforts and blessings by speaking up. Sometimes we are afraid to upset the balance of a harmonious relationship. Speaking up about Jesus may have caused relational angst in the past and we’re weary of treading there again. Maybe we’re afraid that we will mumble the words up and not make any sense.


No matter what the fear is, we need to leave it with Jesus and learn to think differently. We need to realise that God is sovereign and will use whatever we say to His appointed ends. God’s plan will not be thwarted and no reaction, no loss of comfort, no threat or broken relationship will remove God’s love from us. He will walk by us and protect us. He will uphold you and honour you as you step out in faith to serve Him and to do the good works that He created in advance for you to do.


Meditate upon Titus 2:14 throughout the day and the implications for your life.


Prayer Points:

> Prayer for the Bible Society in Israel.

> For the recordings of the Hebrew Old Testament, that they will get the funds needed to complete the project, and that everything will go well, and that the Lord may be glorified.



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