Friday, 21 October 2011

Friday October 21, 2011

Read: Matthew 8:28-29


As Jesus entered Gentile country He was met by two demon possessed men.  By combining the various gospel accounts we know that these two men were very strong. They were unable to be bound. They were rather crazy and they were often naked. They lived among the tombs - which for the Jews was the epitome of uncleanness. They would cut themselves and cry out. They were so feared that whole villages avoided them and left them alone.


Yet when these two men met Jesus we read their response.

"What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?"


Clearly the demons know that there is an appointed time for judgement and ’torture’. They know that Jesus is the one that is judge and Lord. They submit to Him without question! They need His permission to do anything.


What great confidence this episode engenders upon believers. Demons, spirits and all things evil submit to the Jesus we worship. He really is Lord of all. In our battle against the spiritual forces and rulers we need fear nothing or no one.  Our Lord and Saviour Jesus rules over all. In the hour of battle, in the midst of temptation, in the centre of attack we can call upon Him. When we are feeling tired, dismayed and overwhelmed we can call upon Him.


Jesus, the Jesus you worship, is the one who will judge the world and make right the wrongs, the evils, the sufferings of this world. He is there for you, right now.  All you need to do is call upon Him.


Prayer Points:

> We praise God for the amazing support of marriage from Christians and non-Christians alike.. Pray that the Green’s Party will be convicted  by God in their desire to push for same sex marriage.

> Pray for our Government leaders and for all decisions currently being passed.


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