Saturday, 29 October 2011

Saturday October 29, 2011

Read: Revelation 7:13-17


If I were to promise you a million dollars next week, would you do it tough this week? Would you willingly, even joyously, go without and suffer a little bit waiting for that million dollars? Most people would say ‘yes’ and see a week as nothing compared to what’s coming up.


When we think about heaven and the eternal glory to be revealed in us, it’s not that much different. One day heaven’s treasures will be opened up for us. Our life now may seem long and arduous, but in comparison to eternity it really is only as short as a week! Focusing on the end of the week keeps us going and allows us to persevere.


As the Apostle John saw this grand vision of heaven he saw some people dressed in white robes. Having asked about their identity and origins, he was told that these were the ones who had come out of the tribulation. Now the word ‘tribulation’ and the study of the end times has caused much debate and anguish among believers.


However, several passages shed light on what kind of tribulations we can expect as followers of Christ. In Rev 1:9 the Apostle shares with us (and in Christ) the tribulation. In Acts 14:22, we are told that we must  pass through many tribulations to enter the Kingdom of God. In Romans 12:12 we are called to be patient in tribulation. In Mark 13:19, 24 etc we are warned that we are in the days of tribulation, though they may intensify as the Lord’s return nears.


The message of the Scriptures is consistent. We, as followers of Jesus, are to expect tribulation and persecution. We should expect the evil one to throw everything at us as we seek to grow the Kingdom and take the message of salvation to the ends of the earth.  Things will get tough as we stand up for Christ and  walk in obedience! But the end of the week is coming. Our heavenly inheritance is waiting for us. Let us keep our eyes fixed on the finish line and let us NOT grow weary!


Prayer Points:

> Exams are around the corner, let’s pray for each other during this potentially stressful time.

> Please pray for health, and God's wisdom in how to organise our time most efficiently.



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  1. [...] EXCERPTED FROM Kingdom Of God Worship source [...]
