Thursday, 20 October 2011

Thursday October 20, 2011

Read: John 8:31-59. focus on verse 44


There are so many promises in our world today. The mass media is responsible for many of these promises. Ladies, use this machine for 3 minutes a day and you’ll look like a glamour model. Guys, use our machine and you’ll be sporting a six pack by Summer.  But everyone knows that a glamour look or a six pack, well honed body will never develop on just 3 minutes exercise a day!


An advertising billboard promises fun and adventure as you  join a dating agency to have an affair. Life is simply too short. But in over 20 years of ministry, I’ve never seen any positives come out of an affair.


Another ad promises untold wealth if you follow a simple investment scheme. If it were so simple, wouldn’t we have millions of millionaires already from that scheme? Wouldn’t it have cancelled itself out as more and more become millionaires?


Promises! Promises! Promises!  Jesus hit the nail on the head. Satan is a murderer and a liar. He makes grand promises but he is speaking his native tongue and is seeking only to murder and destroy. Think back to the Garden of Eden. Satan lied to Adam and Eve. God had commanded that when they ate of the forbidden tree (that is, when they disobeyed Him) they would surely die. And what did satan do? He promised that they would be like God. He lied that they would not die. You know the result, don’t you? You are living in the result – a world separated from God and in desperate need of rescue and redemption.


Let me encourage you to take stock of your life and think about what promises you are building your life on. What promises are driving you and motivating you? Which promises do you come back to time and time again? Is it the promise of wealth? Is it the promise of excitement or bodily pleasure? Is it the promise of arousal or stress release? Is it the promise of a great thrill?


Even more so, how many of God’s promises are stored up in your heart? How many promises of God have you claimed by faith? How many of His promises guide your life, your words and your hands each day? How are you building your life on His promises?


Paul  the Apostle said that he had learnt to be content no matter what situation he was in. Whether he was rich or poor, well fed or hungry, clothed or not, he was able to be content. My Christian brothers we too can find that contentment as we turn to God and indulge ourselves in His promises, as opposed to the promises of the world and the evil one. As we live by His Word and His promises we will find true, lasting and real contentment.


With your cell group, write out ‘promise cards’ for each person with 10 promises for each person that speak to his/her heart uniquely.


Prayer Points:

> Continue to uphold the Chaplaincy concerns on a Federal level.

> Continue to pray that God’s victory will be seen and that the powers of evil will not prevail.



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