Read Colossians 2:20-22. Romans 7:1-6
There are many religions, many philosophies, many ways of mankind that are a repackaged version of asceticism, which basically says that to prosper and move upward we have to give up things in this life. And so we see that some religions deny themselves food. Others whip themselves. Others stop talking (Hmm???). Still others hide away from society and contemplate the deeper mysteries of existence. Do not handle! Do not touch! These are some of the familiar catch cries in their seminaries and lecture halls and hiding caves. Humanly speaking they have an air of wisdom because of their self denial.
As believers in Christ we admit that physical training is of some value. We believe that controlling the body and the passions is a good thing but these things do not increase your spirituality. They do not move you closer to God.
Such teachings from the repackaged ascetics are simply rules and regulations invented by men of great imagination. But in their uselessness they are destined to perish. Not only will they perish and be shown to be utterly useless on the day of judgement, they will perish as their devotees find them useless and unprofitable in their journey towards God.
You and I, as faithful believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are dead to the ways of the world. We have no compulsion to come under their rules and regulations and attempts at spirituality. But again, I warn you. Please do not see this as a command or injunction to be lawless, disobedient or to rebel against any particular authority. We are to be in the world and not of the world.
Every believer in Christ is filled with the Holy Spirit. Christians are truly spiritual people. What does spirituality look like? Obedience comes to mind as you read through the Scriptures. Spiritual men and women are close to God. They keep the Word close in their hearts and they obey the Word at every turn and even at great cost!
ÿ Pray that God’s Holy Spirit would prepare us all for our church gatherings on Sonday, so that we can sit under the authority of the Word and apply it joyfully and obediently to our lives.
ÿ Pray for the work of Creation Research as they seek to bring believers and non believers to see the reality of Genesis 1-11. Praise God for their opportunities to preach the gospel, to make disciples and to witness to the truth of the entire Scriptures.
Pray Psalm 139:1, 23-24 as your own prayer to God. Ask Him to reveal to you any area of your life that has come under rules and regulations or legalism by which you are seeking to earn the love of God, make things right with him or prove yourself to Him.
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