Thursday, 14 October 2010

Thursday October 14, 2010

Read Colossians 3:1-4

The Christian life is backward to common logic and thinking. Wow! What do I mean by that? I’m glad you asked! Our entire life is built upon working towards something, striving to reach the goal and then enjoying the fruits of that success. If I want a new car, I save hard and then buy it. If I want straight A’s on my report card, I study hard and work hard all year. Then I reap the rewards.  But as a Christian I am justified the moment I believe. In some sense I am sanctified and declared holy in Christ. I died with Christ. I am raised with Him and I sit in the heavenlies with Him. I have even been glorified in Him. Notice the past tense in Romans 8:30!!!

But during this life I strive to be all that Jesus has declared me to be. I wait with patience. I struggle with all His energy that so powerfully works within me. I work out my salvation with fear and trembling because He works in me.

And we know that when Christ appears then we will also appear with Him in glory. The full revelation of glory will appear on that blessed day. Until that day I keep my affection and my attention focused on Jesus because I live a hidden life. Full glory, unhindered by sin and rebellion, is coming but it comes only with our Lord and Saviour.


ÿ Pray that our brothers and sisters in Iraq would be filled with the hope of glory as they live for Jesus in a war torn land filled with hatred of Christ. Pray that Jesus would be their strength, their joy, their source of life in this land. Ask God to bring many conversions through their witness to Christ.

ÿ  Pray that the community around us here would see that our hope is in Jesus and not in wealth, status or the luxury comforts we take for granted. Pray that those believers who make idols out of these things would be granted repentance.

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