Monday, 18 October 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

Read  Romans 12:9-10. John 13:34-34

As we prepare for our church family camp next weekend we need to realise that the theme for the weekend is spurring one another on in love. As the week rolls onwards we will spend time searching out the ‘one another’ passages in the New Testament  and seeking to apply them to one another.

Perhaps the best place to start is our love for each other. This Christian to Christian love is to be modelled on and based on the love that Jesus has for us. We are basically imitating the love that we have received personally from Him. His love motivates me to love others, even those who are hard to love.

Our love for others in the church is to be sincere. The word used in the Greek original text is literally “unhypocritical”. God is saying our love is to be “unhypocritical”. It is not a Sonday face of niceness we put on and then take off as we leave the church building. Our love must not be tainted by rolling eyes, by critical remarks, by grudges or by unforgiveness. All these things, that really show the state of our heart, are evil and should be passionately hated. Rather, we are to cling to that which is good - the word used for ‘cling’ means to be glued to. That which is good is to be stuck to us so that we share it with everyone we meet, especially those who belong to the household of believers.

We are called to love one another with a brotherly affection. This is far from sibling rivalry but a genuine love and concern for each other, that is fitting for brothers or sisters to share. We are to have that familiar bond that unites us together under the headship of Christ.

Added to this, we are to outdo each other in showing one another honour. We are  to consider others better than ourselves and show them the respect, honour and courtesy that they deserve.

Let me encourage you for a moment to dream about a church, your church, that takes this command seriously. What kind of church would it be? What would it look like on Sonday morning and evening? What effect would such a loving church have on the local community in which it is situated?

You, my beloved believer, can start the ball rolling. If you are going to love others with a brotherly love, if you are going to show honour to others then be reconciled, offer forgiveness, refuse to hold a grudge, be gracious and give others the benefit of the doubt. Serve others. Give sacrificially to them. Bless them and work for their benefit. You can be a mighty tide of change as you decide with Christ to love others as He has loved you.


ÿ Pray that our weekend at Camp will be a time of learning to love one another and growing together in Christ-likeness. Pray that any broken relationships will be restored.

ÿ Ask that our brothers and sisters in Vietnam would be able to show the love of Jesus to those who are persecuting and attacking them. Believers can be forced out of their homes and villages, physically attacked, fined and jailed for believing in Jesus. Ask God to strengthen them and use them powerfully to spread the love of God further into the local communities.

Think of one person you haven’t shown love to recently.

Decide one way that you can apply Romans 12:9-20 with that person in mind and do it.

Jot down your thoughts below and get to it.

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