Thursday, 7 October 2010

Thursday October 7, 2010

Read Colossians 2:20-23

If I were to ask you if you struggle with temptation I know that you would say ‘Yes’. It’s not that I’m a prophet or super-spiritual, I know that you are human and that means we will struggle with temptation. If you’re not convinced read Galatians 5:17.

There are many man-made ways to over come temptation and to improve our own self condition. Self help schemes are actively promoted in the world, even in the Christian world - 3 steps to overcoming temptation. 7 steps to overcoming anger. 4 steps to overcoming lust and on and on it goes. Often as you read these self professed guru’s manuals you’ll quickly realise that they are simply self help manuals.

Paul’s conclusion in vs 23 needs to be borne in our minds continually.

Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

Self help schemes that appear wise in the way they deny the body and treat it harshly have …..(read it very carefully)... NO VALUE in restraining the sensual indulgence! These self help schemes are of no use, even though they look wise and appear to be worship focused.

The problem is that they are divorced from the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word in our lives. Without the Spirit we cannot and will not put to death even the slightest sin in our bodies. That is why we are called to live by the Spirit and by the Spirit to put to death the misdeeds of the body. That is why we are told to walk in step with the Spirit. That is why we are told to be filled with the Spirit and to let Him circumcise our hearts.  The Holy Spirit works in accord with the Word and we should never seek to divorce the Word and the Spirit. He will work through the Word.

So let us immerse ourselves in the Word. Let us obey the Word of God and let it dwell richly in us. Let the Word remain in us as we remain in Jesus. Then and only then will we run the race marked out for us. Only then will we fight the good fight.


ÿ As we come to the Word on Sonday, be praying that God’s Holy Spirit will be active in each of us, bringing us to repentance where needed, calling us back to the Word as necessary and filling our hearts with joy because of the Word. Pray that each of us would remain in step with the Spirit each and every day.

ÿ Pray for Shiloh Church Ministries in India as they seek to preach the Word and teach it to many. Pray that those who have taken refuge at Shiloh will be able to minister and serve boldly even though they have lost much for the kingdom. Ask God to turn their eyes heavenward as they serve and love.

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and spend time praying  over it. Ask God to show you

  • where you are most vulnerable to temptation,

  • when you are most vulnerable to temptation,

  • under what circumstances you are most vulnerable to temptation

Ask God to show you the way out of this temptation and to strengthen you. Pray that God would bless you with an accountability partner.

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