Read Colossians 2:18-19
If we combine human nature with heretical Bible teaching it’s easy to get led astray. Indeed, some in Colossae were apparently worshipping angels and were being led astray from the one true Gospel. You and I need to be assured that there is only one gospel, one way to be saved. There is only one Jesus. Paul was infuriated that the Galatians, for example, were being led astray by another gospel. Someone was perverting the truth and he writes in deep anger:-
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
False teachings are designed to lead you astray from the truth of the gospel. Satan will tell you 99 truths to get you to believe the 100th word that is a lie! Human nature is such that we want to add to the work of Jesus. Our pride stirs within us and we desire, even yearn at times, to add to what Jesus has done on our behalf at the cross. And when these two come together we have a powerful force seeking to move us away from the plain truth of the gospel. The Word of God urges, exhorts and compels us to let no one disqualify us for the prize, even if they talk of angels and spiritual beings. No matter how glorious or miraculous or supernatural a person may sound, they are to be rejected if they add anything to the work of Jesus or if they detract from it. Jesus did warn us to be on our guard, didn’t He?
These people are delighting in false humility. They are wanting to appear super spiritual in the eyes of mankind. They are wanting kudos in the eyes of man by what they do or what they have seen! Jesus wants you to accept and believe that by His death and resurrection He has done it all on your behalf. Jesus wants you to live the rest of your life in obedience and gratitude for His work at Calvary. He wants you to strive to become all that you have been declared to be in Christ Jesus. Make sure that no one deceives you by fine sounding arguments or super spiritual stories.
ÿ Pray that those who are preparing their sermons for Sonday morning and Sonday night will be close to God, saturated in the Word and filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray that God applies the Word firstly to their lives, before they apply it to us. Pray that the Holy Spirit works powerfully among us, sanctifying us and drawing us nearer to Christ but also convicting non believers of their need to come to Christ for salvation.
ÿ Pray for the Grace Seminary in Myanmar as they seek to teach the truth to a nation of lost souls. Pray that this college will have enough funds to buy the house and land next door ($5,000US) to expand and be able to teach more students. Pray that these students have a powerful witness to Christ in their communities.
Get together with another believer and spend time praising God for your salvation. Include the work of Christ & the effects of that in your own life.
Think about the different aspects of your salvation - justification, atonement, expiation, forgiveness, adoption, cancellation of sin and so on.
Take time to thank God in detail for all that he has done for you in Christ
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