Saturday, 16 October 2010

Saturday October 16, 2010

Read Psalm 121

How often in life the burdens and weights of this world cause us to look down upon the rocky road beneath out feet. How often the storms and fogs of trouble cause us to see but scantly into the distance. How often the hurts and pains turn our hearts away from the Lord.

And yet, the Psalmist turns from the burdens and excesses of this world to the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Only the creator can help us. Only the one who made us can watch over us without sleeping. Is there any better place to seek help? Why do we contend with plan A, plan B, Plan C and then after several more self devised and self deceived plans seek help from God. ‘My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth,’ our hearts should cry at the first, not the last! We should be quick to seek the Lord as our first calling. We should be drawing near to Him as the storms form far off on the horizon.

Our God will not let our foot slip. He will watch over us without sleeping or slumbering. The enemy will not catch Him unawares. The enemy can’t sneak around God or disguise Himself so that God is fooled. God is watching over us.

God is our shade, our refuge in the heat of the day or the cold of night. He is with us and takes care of us. He will keep us from harm and, as Paul declared, will deliver us safely to His heavenly kingdom.

Let your heart be filled with joy as you consider God’s abundant provision and protection over your life. Praise God and sing His glories as you consider the love and compassion that God has for you.


ÿ Pray that we will all come to God tomorrow and draw near to Him in full assurance of faith. Pray that the unrepentant would be drawn to Jesus’ love and mercy and that they would confess their sins and submit to Jesus’ Lordship.

ÿ Pray for the trainee students in Myanmar Reformed College as they preach and serve in different congregations. Pray that God would use each one to grow His Kingdom, to faithfully preach the Word and to make many disciples.

Write down 5 ways that you can draw near to God today.






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