Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Tuesday July 13, 2010

Read 2 Corinthians 8:13-15

I read with teary eyes the account of an overseas church that had about $250,000 to give to the needy each and every year from the members of the congregation. These were not investments or win-falls gained by the people. It was ordinary folk giving sacrificially. One of the pastors would sit with the needy and destitute and give them what they needed.  What a beautiful testimony to the Lord’s grace and love. Many people turned to the Lord for salvation because of the generosity of that church.

The church of our Lord and Saviour should, as Paul points out, be a place of equality. Paul encourages us to give sacrificially but not to the point of being a burden upon the church. That would be counter productive.  We are encouraged to give sacrificially so that the church can support the needy and destitute.

Let me encourage you to dream. Let me encourage you to dream of a church that has a reputation for being generous, not frivolous and not unwise.  When Joe is still sick and cannot take any more time off work because his sick leave and annual leave is all gone, the church can step in to help him financially for another 3 months while treatment continues. The church runs a soup kitchen for the needy in the community and blesses the homeless with a meal each week. When Jack and Janine look like defaulting on their house payments because of an unexpected bill, the church can help out. Mary and Mike can’t afford to pay for their daughter’s wedding so the church can foot some of the bill. Shane can’t afford a suit for his new job. The church is there to help.

It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But scripturally speaking, the church should be a place of generosity. The church should be able to spread wealth evenly to those in need. The church should never have to turn someone away because there’s not enough to meet the bills.

Over the years I’ve served on several Management Committees. I’ve been deeply ashamed that most of these churches (even the large ones) could barely meet their own costs and bills, let alone parting with money for the poor and destitute. Most churches have to send the needy and poor to the government agencies to get help because they can’t help them. What an indictment on the church!

I dream of a generous church like the one described in Acts 2 and 4. People selling worldly things and using the money for blessing of others. I dream of a church where we can bless the poor, help the homeless, feed and clothe the needy. I dream of a church where the non Christian world comes along to find charity, help and support, knowing that these Christians love God so much that they are generous. I dream of a church so generous that we can support and uphold smaller churches that are struggling with finances.  I dream...

Let’s stop dreaming. Let’s make it a reality. Be generous in all you do. Be generous in your time, your words, your assets and, yes, even your money.


  • Pray that we will be a generous church in everything.

  • Pray that the love of Christ so overwhelms us that we give willingly and generously.

  • Pray that our Committee of Management will be so overwhelmed with our generosity that their work is a joy not  a burden.

Do It Today

You can be generous in many ways. You can be generous with your money, your assets, your time, your words (this doesn’t mean talking lots!!),  your presence and your help. Try it today. Be generous.

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