Friday, 30 July 2010

Friday July 30, 2010

Read 2 Corinthians 12:11-21

As you read the last part of chapter 12 and Paul’s dealings with the Corinthian church, what thoughts come to mind that sum up Paul’s attitude and approach ? I think of the words, ‘Other centred’ or ‘selfless’.

Paul is struck with a thorn in the flesh - a messenger of satan has been tormenting him. He is possibly going blind and has suffered immensely in his life of ministry. Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 as a refresher. And even so, he can still be concerned for the Corinthian church. He talks about the church as being his children. He is happy to spend all he has and all he is for their benefit. He is willing to do everything for their strengthening. He is ready to expend himself for them.

Here is a mark of Christian maturity - to be able to consider others and to continue to work for the good of others even when we ourselves are suffering or doing it tough. There is no hint of ‘self’ in Paul. This is the power of God at work in him and through him.

As we consider Jesus we see the source of Paul’s strength and other centeredness. By dying on the cross for us, Jesus gained relatively little, if anything. He did not benefit by taking our sins upon Himself.  There was no advantage to Himself in being forsaken by God the Father. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly went to Jerusalem to die for you. He loved you so much that He willing suffered the wrath of God in your place. He loved you so much that He willingly died your death so you could live. Jesus loved you so much that He willingly wore the crown of thorns and the nails for you. There was no ‘self’ in Jesus love for you.

As I contemplate what Jesus has done for me, it’s easier to love others with that same kind of selfless love that Paul modelled. As I reflect on what it cost Jesus to love me, I am inspired, spurred on to love and good deeds.  As I sing about the sacrificial giving of Jesus I am motivated to give sacrificially to others.

Focus your entire life, your entire being on Jesus and you too will have that selfless kind of love that glorifies God.


Pray that the love of Christ would motivate more and more believers in your church and in the world wide church to be  loving, to be sacrificial and to be doing good deeds appropriate

  • Pray that the love of Christ would motivate more and more believers in your church and in the world wide church to be  loving, to be sacrificial and to be doing good deeds appropriate to those who claim to worship Christ.

  • Pray that our brothers and sisters in North Korea would be able to respond to their attackers and persecutors with the love of Christ. Pray that this love would melt hearts and bring many into the kingdom by faith.

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