Friday, 2 July 2010

Friday July 2, 2010

Read Mark 4:1-20,

I’ve personally witnessed the difference between good soil and bad soil. Having filled 3 vegetable growing tanks with good soil and watched an abundance of  good and luscious fruit and vegies grow, our next growing tank was a disaster. We purchased the soil from a different provider and in 3 days we noticed that the intended area for vegetable growth was inhabited with spiky, sharp weeds. These weeds have come up ever since and have spread to other areas in our garden.  When we think of good soil, we think of the former soil that allowed healthy luscious fruit/vegetables to grow.

As a Christian being good soil  is directly related to the Word of God.

Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown."

The Word of God is sown in our hearts and that Word bears fruit - 30, 60 or even 100 times what was sown. The Word has an impact in our lives and shines out from us.

What could that fruit be in every day life? It is impossible to pin down to any one example. But we can sum it up in concept. If we are good soil then the Word produces in us the fruit of obedience.  As good soil we are obedient to the Word. We do as it says. Like James the half brother of our Lord encourages us, we do not simply read the Word. We read it and do what it says. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not love the world with all its trappings but we love the Word and seek to apply it to ourselves, our own lives, before we worry about anyone else.

Are you good soil?


Pray for the World Changers as they continue to plan and organise missions among us. Pray for them as they communicate with the missionaries we support. Pray that World

  • Changers will be bearing much fruit.

  • Pray for Session as we continue our new meeting structure. Pray that as the various ministry and support groups join us we will have rich fellowship, intimate prayer times and deep growth in the Word.

Do It Today

Spend time asking God to show you which areas of your life need to be changed so that you are able to bear fruit 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown.

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