Saturday, 10 July 2010

Saturday July 10, 2010

Read Psalm 91

I wonder what tomorrow will bring for you? Will it be a blessing for you? As you plan to spend time in the presence of God, what else could it possibly be but a blessing?

But there are many things in life that distract us and cause us to worry, be anxious and to forget God’s abundant blessing in our lives. The writer of the Psalm was in a perilous situation and could have faced death from his enemies. He was sought after, for all the wrong reasons. People wanted him dead.

Praising God is not the first thing that comes to my mind when people are trying to kill me. My first thoughts are run, hide and take on a definitive self protective measure. But what does the Psalmist do? He hides under the wings of the Almighty. He runs to his heavenly Father. He goes to the source of ultimate and eternal protection.

My brother/sister in Jesus. I know there are many things weighing down your heart. I know there are issues and concerns with money, with work, with children, with finding a life partner and so on. But let me encourage you to do as the Psalmist did. Run into the wings of the Almighty. Take refuge in Him. Make the Lord Most High your fortress and shield. Let Him fight the enemy on your behalf.

As for you, be confident for :-

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39.

Tomorrow stand in the Lord’s presence with confidence that God’s love will never leave you. Whatever is burdening your heart is in God’s hands and He will do what’s best. He will never forsake you nor leave you.


  • Pray that God would equip and fill everyone in your congregation as they gather tomorrow. Pray that God’s Spirit and His gifts would be poured out so that all can work for the common good. Pray that everyone would come to church with something to share, something to contribute or something to bless others with. Pray that Christ, our Lord and Saviour will be honoured and exalted tomorrow.

  • Pray for the church in North Korea. Believers meet in secret in small groups in underground churches. Pray that these men and women will be able to encourage one another and spur one another to love and good deeds. Pray that they would be protected from the authorities. Pray that the church would grow phenomenally despite the intense persecution.

Do It Today

Prayerfully determine how you can be involved in worship tomorrow (not necessarily up front) by blessing others. Work out what you can bring to the worship service.

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